Anthem Which of the following does the forest BEST symbolize? Animal Instincts Safety and Protection Isolation Love
Anthem How did Equality first discover electricity? He examined a light bulb He saw it on a manuscript He discovered it using magnets He accidentally electrocuted a frog with a copper wire He accidentally electrocuted a frog with a copper wire
Anthem International likely has epilepsy True False
Anthem Which set of answers only contains names of Equality? Unaltered One, Prometheus Unconquered One, Prometheus Unconquered One, Prometheus Golden One, Prometheus Chosen One, One
Anthem Ayn Rand follows and invented Objectivism. True False
1984 At the time it was written 1984 was a warning of the future. True False
1984 Civilization has completely collapsed in the novel True False
1984 From where is there enough strength to overthrow the government? The inner government circle Neighbor Nations Large Proletariat Class Army generals
1984 The slogans of the society are what? Paradoxes Metaphors Oximorons Puns
1984 No one is allowed to turn off the televisions? True False
Caesar The setting is in northern Italy after a campaign against the Celts. True False
Caesar Which of the following was not an omen during the story? A lioness in the city An owl at midday Burning Men A great Earthquake
Caesar Antony used logical appeal to excite the audience. True False
Caesar Caesar was killed in the Roman Forum. True False
Caesar Caesar was offered the crown three times. True False
Poetry Which of the following is an example of a paradox? Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength All of the Above War is Peace
Poetry A sonnet is typically 14 lines. True False
Poetry A villanelle is characterized by the repetition of designated lines. True False
Poetry A haiku is a poetic form native to what country? Korea Thailand France Japan
Poetry A tanka is an extended form of a haiku that traditionally deals with nature. True False
TKAM The story is centered around Jem breaking his leg. True False
TKAM Mrs. Dubose is recovering from a heroine addiction which later kills her. True False
TKAM Atticus is significantly older than most parents. True False
TKAM Boo Radley stabbed his brother in the jugular with a knitting needle. True False
TKAM Scout plays a turkey in the play. True False
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