The New Man of Matthew Five I. Light & Salt: Introduction of the Theme (Matthew 5:13-20). A. Behavior that contrasts with the darkness and “unseasoned”


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Presentation transcript:

The New Man of Matthew Five I. Light & Salt: Introduction of the Theme (Matthew 5:13-20). A. Behavior that contrasts with the darkness and “unseasoned” nature of the world. (5:13,14). B. Witnessing this behavior is to influence others to glorify God. (5:16). C. A righteousness superior to the religious (5:20). “Surpass” Gr. perisseuo “to exceed a fixed number of measure, to be left over and above a certain number or measure” (Strong). I. Light & Salt: Introduction of the Theme (Matthew 5:13-20). A. Behavior that contrasts with the darkness and “unseasoned” nature of the world. (5:13,14). B. Witnessing this behavior is to influence others to glorify God. (5:16). C. A righteousness superior to the religious (5:20). “Surpass” Gr. perisseuo “to exceed a fixed number of measure, to be left over and above a certain number or measure” (Strong).

The New Man of Matthew Five II. Behavior of this New Man (Matthew 5:21-44). A. Maintain restrained anger & restrained speech that comes from anger (5:21-22). B. “Something against you” -- Preserve our own innocence (5:23,24). C. “Agree quickly” - Accept blame (5:25-26). D. Tame the heart and the sin is averted (5:27-30). II. Behavior of this New Man (Matthew 5:21-44). A. Maintain restrained anger & restrained speech that comes from anger (5:21-22). B. “Something against you” -- Preserve our own innocence (5:23,24). C. “Agree quickly” - Accept blame (5:25-26). D. Tame the heart and the sin is averted (5:27-30).

The New Man of Matthew Five II. Behavior of this New Man (Matthew 5:21-44). E. Let your word stand alone (5:31-37). F. Decline the right of personal vengeance (5:38-42). “Resist” Gr. anthistemi “lit. to stand against” “to set one’s self against, to withstand” G. Extraordinary attitudes towards the one who does us wrong or causes us injury (5:43,44). II. Behavior of this New Man (Matthew 5:21-44). E. Let your word stand alone (5:31-37). F. Decline the right of personal vengeance (5:38-42). “Resist” Gr. anthistemi “lit. to stand against” “to set one’s self against, to withstand” G. Extraordinary attitudes towards the one who does us wrong or causes us injury (5:43,44).

The New Man of Matthew Five III. Theme Restated (Matthew 5:45-48). A. God does good to all (5:45). B. Ungodly love the loveable (5:46). C. Christ’s people “do more” (5:47). D. Christ’s people are “perfect” — the way man was intended to be – the way God is (5:48). “Perfect” Gr. telios ≠ flawless; but complete. III. Theme Restated (Matthew 5:45-48). A. God does good to all (5:45). B. Ungodly love the loveable (5:46). C. Christ’s people “do more” (5:47). D. Christ’s people are “perfect” — the way man was intended to be – the way God is (5:48). “Perfect” Gr. telios ≠ flawless; but complete.