The House of the Goddess Envy
Envy’s “House” Poorly- kept No sunshine No wind Gloomy Cold
Minerva comes to Envy
Envy’s Characteristics Eating her snakes Pale Skinny Squinted eyes Mean Rust colored teeth
Before Envy Leaves Puts on her mantle What is it? A loose sleeveless cloak Envy’s was “cloudy” or dark Why is it important? It represents a layer or blanket of darkness Picks up her staff of thorns What does it represent? Envy herself
How does Envy kill Aglauros? Touches her with her hands and fills her heart with thorns Breathes poison in through her nose Gives her a vision of Herse and Mercury happily married
Aglauros envies Does not want her sister to be happy Blocks Mercury’s entrance Tells Mercury she will not leave until she has ruined his reason for being there
Aglauros’s Fate Mercury goes in anyways Aglauros tries to stop him She cannot do anything stiff cold could not speak She had become a black statue
Any thoughts or comments on the themes, imageries, or the story in general?