Copperfield Elementary Fifth Grade Welcome to Open House!
Meet the Fifth Grade Teachers! Mr. Buck Mrs. Conner Mr. Crippin Mrs. Troncoso
What is my child learning in 5th? All 5 TH Grade students are expected to meet the expectations set by the State of Texas. TEKS: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Can be found on the TEA (Texas Education Agency) website.
Reading STAAR Test March 30, 2016 More questions with a higher cognitive complexity level to match the TEKS. Greater emphasis on critical thinking. Greater reliance on “inference” questions. Greater emphasis on reading comprehension.
Math STAAR Test May 10, 2016 More questions with a higher cognitive complexity level to match the TEKS Greater emphasis on critical thinking Greater number of open-ended (griddable) questions on mathematics
Science STAAR Test May 11, 2016 More questions with a higher cognitive complexity level to match the TEKS Greater emphasis on critical thinking Direct and Indirect questions (inference) Griddable questions 4 Reporting Categories Category 1: Matter and Energy Category 2: Force Motion and Energy Category 3: Earth and Space Category 4: Organisms and Environments Scientific Investigation and Reasoning will be incorporated in at least 40% of the test questions from categories 1-4 and will be identified along with content standards (TEKS)
From School to Home Envision Math Online version of our math workbook. Activities may be assigned by teacher to match student need and current learning Parent app available Student home login information to come I-station Reading program and assessment Student guided and matched to individual reading level Student home login information to come Stride Academy/First in Math Math program and assessment Student guided AND teacher assigned Student home login information to come
Bobcat Preview Tutoring is available for students before school, beginning at 7:10. Students may “preview” a lesson to better understand new concepts as they are taught. Teachers will work with students who are struggling to meet 5 th Grade objectives and practice skills such as multiplication/division, problem solving, reading strategies, vocabulary development, reading comprehension
Attendance Attendance is compulsory as per Texas State law. A written note should be sent following any absence. Students who are absent 3 or more days must bring a doctor’s note when returning to school. Upon request, teachers will prepare work to be completed during an absence. Requests for work should be made before 1:00 for pick-up the following day. Excellent attendance sets the stage for excellent achievement!
Tardies Students arriving to the classroom after 7:30 are considered tardy. If a child is tardy, the parent must park and sign the student in at the front office. This is for the student’s safety. Tardies are considered against perfect attendance and excessive tardies are reported to the court system.
Dismissal Thank you for your patience the first weeks of school! All changes for transportation MUST be made in WRITING. No transportation changes will be made by phone. Dismissal begins at 2:30 If you are unable to pick-up your child by 3:00, they will be waiting in the office, so please be on time.
Dress Code Judson ISD dress code can be found in the Student Handbook and is available online. ALL students must wear a collared shirt (polo or button down) OR a t-shirt with college or Judson ISD logo. Solid colored pants/skirts/dresses/walking shorts (Please note: shorts must be knee length). Jeans are acceptable. No flip-flops, house slippers, or shoes with wheels Students should wear tennis shoes every day their class visits P.E.! See teachers for PE schedules
Parent Volunteers We LOVE and APPRECIATE Parent Volunteers. Class parties Field Trips Activities throughout the year Classroom help ALL volunteers must complete the online Parent Volunteer Training and receive clearance BEFORE volunteering. Please arrange in advance with your child’s teacher for a time to volunteer in the classroom.
Parent Center Students enjoy having lunch visitors! If you are visiting for lunch, you may eat with your child in the Parent Center. Sign in at the office with your driver’s license You may eat with only your child. Lunch : 10:50-11:20am When vising our campus, please use the adult restroom only. There is one located in the Kindergarten pod and the office.
Birthdays Birthdays are so exciting for our students and we love to celebrate with them! Thank you for respecting our guidelines if you choose to send treats for your child’s birthday. Cupcakes or other treats must be STORE BOUGHT and in original packaging. Items should be dropped off in the office and will be delivered to the classroom. Parties are not allowed at school, but cupcakes will be distributed at the end of the day by the teacher at the end of the lunch period. If your child is planning a birthday party, invitations cannot be passed out at school unless EVERY student in the class is invited.
Remind – Sign up TODAY Remind is a one-way text messaging service that allows your child’s teachers to keep you informed about assignment due dates, school-wide events, and other timely information. No app needed! See your child’s teacher for details.
Parent Conferences Copperfield Teachers will conference with every student’s parents at the end of the first 6 week grading period. Conferences will be student-led (with assistance ). October 9 th is Early Release for students. The afternoon will be used for conferences. A sign-up sheet will be sent home for parents to select a few times they are available. The teacher will notify parents of scheduled conferences. We will do team conferences.
Mrs. Conner’s Reading/Social Studies Class Homework: Mondays – reading log due Wednesdays – 1pg of writing in writing journal Thursdays – spelling “bingo” homework due Social Studies homework as needed Students must read 1 book per 6 weeks and pass Book Chat (test grade) Sign up for Remind to get text message reminders Weekly newsletters on teacher JISD website s sent frequently – please check Parent Portal Headphones optional Sanitizer, highlighters, kleenex donations needed
Mrs. Troncoso’s Math & Science Homework Math: they will do half a page (4-5 Questions) a night. Science: Everyday they will have 3 questions to do. They are to justify their answers. (How did you get that answer?) Sign up for Remind to get text message reminders Weekly newsletters on teacher JISD website s sent frequently – please check Parent Portal Ziploc bags (gallon or quart), color paper, and Lysol wipes donation needed
Thank you for coming! Please reference our classroom website often! It is updated regularly. Please notify the office of any change in your phone number or address. Communication keeps your child safe and keeps us connected! Questions?