Supporting Development of Photovoltaics in the European Union New Member States Network IEE/07/809/SI Duration: Oct – Sept Coordinator: Stanislaw M. Pietruszko Warsaw University of Technology PV-NMS-NET
Project Summary The PV-NMS-NET project was created to support development of PV in New Member States of EU. It aims to: improve legal framework for PV development; rise awareness about PV among decision makers, regulatory authorities, grid utilities; give input for preparation national RE plans; improve cooperation between NMS institutions dealing with PV; gather data and present current status of PV in NMS in multiple aspects
Background PV still isn’t regarded as serious, reliable source of renewable energy NMS; This attitude is often caused by lack of knowledge of recent technological achievements, huge potential of solar energy or existence of various false myths and prejudices toward PV among politicians, decision makers, grid utilities or regulatory authorities; Lack of efficient financial support systems (properly designed feed-in-tariff) in NMS; Huge, unnecessary non-technical barriers of legal and bureaucratic nature are hampering development of PV and preventing efficient utilization of existing support mechanisms; It is crucial for development of PV in NMS to remove or substantially decrease above mentioned obstacles. Actions undertaken within PV-NMS-NET project will significantly contribute to this task.
Objectives to develop of methodology, the means and instruments to follow up, monitor and evaluate the impact of the measures adopted by the NMS in the PV fields; to contribute transparency, reliability and cohesion of legal framework conditions of PV development and implementation; to rise awareness about PV among decision makers, regulators and utilities in NMS to integrate PV into their economies; to give an input for the preparation of national RE Action Plan, in line with the proposed draft RES Framework directive). to maintain co-operation between national PV activities in NMS and EU15 shaping a common vision for the development of PV.
Actions gathering data on all PV related activities (legal, research, business, installed systems) in NMS, present it in a database and publish in annual reports; organizing workshops in each NMS (and one international workshop) for representatives of governments, regulatory authorities, grid utilities aiming to present them benefits of use of PV technologies, finding solutions for existing problems and rising awareness of PV potential among these target groups; dissemination and promotion of PV in NMS by publications in branch media, papers at the conferences including major international events; contribution to creation of national RE strategies, convincing decision makers to secure a proper place for PV within these strategies
Results Main results will be following: an input for the preparation of national RE Action Plan. transparent, reliable, cohesive and updated database of all aspects of PV in NMS; raised awareness about PV among decision makers and PV utilities in NMS and raised application of PV in energy production; better cooperation and communication between all PV stakeholders in NMS and EU; in long term – reduced energy consumption and CO 2 emissions in Europe; in long term – raised cohesion between NMS and EU15. Outputs: guidelines for data collections and their processing; website and database on PV activities in NMS; yearly reports on PV activities and its status.
Partners Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Poland Central Laboratory of Solar Energy and New Energy Sources Bulgarian Academy of Science (CL SENES), Bulgaria Cyprus Institute of Energy (CIE), Cyprus Czech Renewable Energy Agency (CZREA), Czech Republic Tallinn University of Technology (TUT), Estonia SOLART-SYSTEM Engieneering Ltd. Hungary Institute of Physical Energetics (IPE), Latvia Semiconductor Physics Institute (SPI), Liethuania Malta Resources Authority (MRA), Malta Research Institute for Electrical Engineering (ICPE - S.A.), Romania Slovak Renewable Energy Agency (SKREA), Slovakia Energy Restructuring Agency (ApE), Slovenia
CENTRE for PHOTOVOLTAICS Warsaw University of Technology Stanislaw M. Pietruszko Koszykowa 75, Warsaw, Poland tel.: , 7530 fax: The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Communities. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.