Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Initial Math RTI Training Nov 19 th, 2015 Math RTI: Assessment Considerations
Math Installation Matrix
The Problem Solving Process 3 Improved Student Achievement 2. Problem Analysis 1. Problem Identification 3. Plan Development 4. Plan Implementation & Evaluation What is the problem? Why is the problem occurring? What are we going to do about the problem? How is it working?
TIi To Instruction & intervention Response R
Forbes, 2012 Why do we need common assessments? Based on 1) Unemployment, 2) Gas Prices, and 3) Home Values Phoenix Portland Seattle Minneapolis Denver New York Detroit Cleveland Chicago Wall Street Journal, 2011 Based on unemployment, violent crime, home values, tax rates, political corruption, commute times, weather, etc Most Miserable U.S. Cities Least Miserable U.S. Cities
Detroit Cleveland Chicago Forbes, 2012 Most Miserable U.S. Cities Least Miserable U.S. Cities Why do we need common assessments? Based on unemployment, violent crime, home values, tax rates, political corruption, commute times, weather, etc
Common data/evidence drives everything 7 TIER 1 for ALL TIER 3 for a FEW Is our core (Tier 1) sufficiently for the majority of our kids? Are our interventions working? Are they catching up? Why are a few of our students not catching up?
Screening Progress Monitoring Diagnostic Outcome/Mastery Purposes of Assessment
Sample Assessment Protocol
Brief Universal Screening Reliable, Valid Standardized Culturally Appropriate
Are we truly measuring math skills or are we measuring something else? –Computer skills? –The ability to stay on task and work independently? –Language skills? Using Computer-Based Screeners: Things to Consider
Screen all students to identify those at risk for potential mathematics difficulties and provide interventions to students identified as at risk ( IES Guide Recommendation #1 ) Morgan et al (2009) found that 70% of kindergarten students who entered AND exited K below the 10 th percentile were still below the 10 th percentile in 5 th grade Screening: Math
Magnitude Comparison Strategic Counting Number Identification Basic Arithmetic Facts Screening (K-2): Early Numeracy __ __ __
What is your common screener in K-2? Does it measure some combination of these concepts? –Magnitude Comparison, Strategic Counting, Number Identification, Basic Arithmetic Facts How do you use your resources to get your information (Time, money, & people)? Team Time: Screening
Progress Monitoring Is what we’re doing working? Brief Reliable Valid Standardized Equivalent Forms
Monitor the progress of students receiving supplemental instruction and other students who are at risk ( IES Guide Recommendation #7 ) Use progress monitoring measures AND curriculum-embedded assessments. Progress Monitoring
Monitor the progress of tier 2, tier 3 and borderline tier 1 students at least once a month using grade-appropriate general outcome measures –MONTHLY Use curriculum-embedded assessments in intervention materials –DAILY to WEEKLY IES Suggestions: Progress Monitoring
We want to know if students are successful inside your classroom. Curriculum-Embedded Assessments vs. General Outcome Measures But we also want to know if they are successful outside your classroom. Curriculum-Embedded Assessments General Outcome Measures
Curriculum-Embedded Assessments vs. General Outcome Measures Curriculum-Embedded Assessments General Outcome Measures Reading Oral Reading Fluency Phoneme Segmenting Fluency Nonsense Word or Letter Sound Fluency Math Early Numeracy Measures Computation Concepts & Applications/Problem Solving Math Reading Mastery Tests Unit/Lesson Tests Checkouts Exit Slips
What are your common progress monitoring measures? 1.General outcome measure 2.Curriculum-embedded assessments, formative assessments, exit slips, etc. How often do you give these? Team Time: Progress Monitoring
Diagnostic Helps Identify the cause of the problem
Diagnostic 22 Improved Student Achievement 2. Problem Analysis 1. Problem Identification 3. Plan Development 4. Plan Implementation & Evaluation WHY is the problem occurring?
Not one-size-fits-all
Diagnostic 24 Improved Student Achievement 2. Problem Analysis 1. Problem Identification 3. Plan Development 4. Plan Implementation & Evaluation WHY is the problem occurring? Math Intervention Program Math Intervention Placement Test
Reading vs. Math Diagnostic
Vocabulary Phonemic Awareness Phonics (Alphabetic Principle) Phonics (Alphabetic Principle) Oral Reading Accuracy & Fluency Oral Reading Accuracy & Fluency Reading Comprehension Foundational Skills Reading Comprehension
Phonics Progression Letter Sounds VC & CVC Words Blends & Digraphs Silent “e” Vowel teams Inflectional endings Suffixes & Prefixes Multisyllabic Words Intervene
Reading Answer/Pro blem Solution Strategy Question/ Problem Read the word “road” “r / oa / d” “road”
Representing and solving problems Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within 10… Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems… Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems… Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems… Intervene
Reading Answer/Pro blem Solution Strategy Question/ Problem Read the word “road” “r / oa / d” “road”
Math = ? or 10 + (2 + 8) Answer/Pro blem Solution Strategy Question/ Problem Concrete Representation al Abstract
Where are the errors within the student thinking? For example: –Fact error –Conceptual error –Strategy error Diagnostic Assessment in Math = = = 128
What are your diagnostic assessments? –What assessments do you have? Start with intervention placement tests Unit Tests, Exit slips, other diagnostic assessments? –Who are your experts that can determine “why” students struggle? Team Time: Diagnostic
Did we reach the goal? Did we learn what we needed to? SBAC, Unit Tests, Lesson Checkouts, other assessments? Outcome/Mastery
What do you currently have in place? What areas of need do you have? Things to remember: –Think purpose, not test. A test can serve multiple purposes –Are your assessments appropriate for the purpose they are being used? –Start with what you have, before looking to add assessments Look at your Assessment Protocol
Understanding RTI in Mathematics (2011) Gersten & Newman-Gonchar Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics: Response to Intervention (RtI) for Elementary and Middle Schools (2009) IES Practice Guide Screening for Mathematics Difficulties in K-3 Students (2011) Gersten, Clarke, Haymond, & Jordan (Center on Instruction) Resources