Summary of Services for the MC Production Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop CERN, 12 th June 2006
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June 2006 Outline Main Purpose Present the T2 infrastructure required by each experiment at the sites Content of the talk Summary of the T2 activities experiment by experiment T1-T2 association Each experiment has provided different information Not following therefore a similar structure for each experiment during this talk It tries to be a initial “draft” to be completed after the session
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June ALICE: Generalities Distribution of tasks per Tiers in the ALICE computing model T2 is responsible for MC simulation and analysis Difference between T1 and T2 for ALICE is only QoS
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June ALICE: MC Production on T2`s Production extensively tested in 2 data challenges: PDC’05 and the ongoing PDC’06 Standard setup – LCG/gLite with an ALICE VOBOX (as on the T1s) Distributed at all T1`s and T2`s At WMS level they are at the same level All job submission to T2s is through the Grid: Installation of application software, including simulation packages is handled through the ALICE Grid tools Produced MC data are stored on the local SE and transferred for safekeeping to the host T1
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June ALICE: Specific T2 Requirements Large amount of memory consumption per job: 2 GB max Job duration - typically 8 KSI2k hours Input Data - minimal set of configuration Output Data - up to 1.5 GB/job, standard 300 MB The jobs are (naturally) CPU-intensive, no stringent requirement on storage
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June ALICE: PDC`06 tests of T2 Generally, ALICE is doing tests of all elements of the computing model The MC production - ongoing In July 2006, T2-T1 transfers (FTS) tests Relational matrix T2-host T1 is being built Installation of FTS client infrastructure is ongoing
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June ALICE: T1-T2 relations In the ALICE computing model there are not privileged relations among T1`s and T2`s Both types of sites hold VOBOXES Both types of sites hold local LFC Relations T1-T2 are based in terms of storage and transfers MC data and AOD from analysis at T2 shipped to the closest T1 for custodial purposes In countries with a T1, T2`s are the country to refer France, Germany and Italy In countries with no T1, this role should be played by the site with the best bandwidth
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June ATLAS: Generalities Main Activities to perform in the T2`s Run the data simulation Hold AOD (in disk for analysis) generated at T0 and distributed among T1 and T2 Run the user analysis jobs ATLAS consider a hierarchical structure between T1`s and T2`s Defined by the generation and distribution of data Associated to the baseline services required for their production
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June ATLAS: Distribution of Data RAW data (T0) T1: Part of raw data, fraction of ESD and full set of AOD Nominal AOD data rate: 20MB/s T2: Receive also AOD from T1`s Large T2`s storing full sets of AOD`s Small T2`s sharing full sets Reprocessing of raw data (T1) Production of ESD to exchange between T1`s AOD to distribute to other T1`s and T2`s Expected a 20MB/s to T2`s Simulation (T2) Data transferred to T1`s for ist permanent storage Low upload from T2 to T1 (few MB/s)
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June ATLAS: Baseline Services Baseline Services to build the ATLAS infrastructure FTS and LFC The ATLAS DDM uses these blocks to define a hierarchical and distributed data cataloging Central dataset catalogues: Information of datasets and location Local File catalogues: Mapping PFN vs LFN FTS and LFC managed by T1`s Each T1 provides services to a certain group of T2`s Defining regions consisting in each T1 and associated T2`s
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June ATLAS: Definition of regions Each T1 will group a certain set of T2`s where to download AODs and upload simulated data Fast and reliable network required T1 holds the local LFC`s and contains the entries of those files storaged in the T2`s Fast communication between running jobs at T2 and local catalogue at T1 Geographically closed Matching of CPU capability of the T2 and Storage power of the T1 Large countries will provide matching capacities between T1 and T2 Small countries will provide either T1 or T2 Handling the problems Fast human connections (not 12 hours of difference)
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June List of Services required at T2 during SC4 Not particular requirements besides a SRM based SE General services provided by the Grid infrastructure, CE, SE... FTS to be set at T1`s Nominal rate to T2: 20MB/s during 24 h Expertise in SE installation and maintenance
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June CMS: Simulation Production at T2 Simulation Production Generation Phase Small input configuration file, large output dataset High CPU activity Simulation, reconstruction New iterations Set of input data and production of output data More similar to analysis I/O activities included Simulation at T2 Produced data defined by the physics groups Individual user productions also foreseen Transparent for the T2
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June CMS: Simulation Procedure Workflow Jobs submitted centrally using a set of automatic tools Central request queue: Production Manager Management of jobs by the Production Agents Human support for possible failures is needed Dataflow Simulated data stored at T1 Backup on tape Reprocessing and distribution to other T2 maybe needed T2 WNs stored the output locally For validation purposes Marge of files locally (I/O operations)
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June CMS: Requirements T2 will provide disk and CPU to perform the simulation and the majority of the analysis CMS requires: Good behavior: Pass all SFT Good and solid batch farm Good storage: size, performance and services SRM access FTS channels The server is placed at T1 but the good transfer is the responsibility of the two ends Good I/O Good network 1Gbit/s for data movement Fast local access for read/write
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June CMS:Services CMS Services CMS software distribution Integration of LFC and PhEDEx (on top of FTS) in the Data Management system Tasks of the T2`s The good behavior of the site is its tasks Good management of the jobs and fixing the SW area cannot be done by the experiment Active and responsible T2 is wished Good communication with the experiment is fundamental
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June LHCb: Generalities T0 Generation of raw data, reconstruction, stripping and user analysis T1 Besides real data taking, similar tasks as T0 T2 Monte Carlo production (no analysis phase) At least in countries also providing T1 T2 are considered PC-farms with a small disk buffer Disk used as temporary cache until data are transferred to T1 Full copy also at CERN
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June LHCb: Analysis at T1 The LHCb analysis jobs consist in selecting the events stored at T1 and focus on a particular channel of analysis Typical analysis jobs run on a 10 6 event sample Some analysis jobs will run even larger event samples (10 7 ) The analysis input is completely stored at each T1 The output can be processed in smaller sites To perform the analysis at the T1 seems to be faster and less expensive in terms of hardware, infrastructure and staff resources than running it at T2`s
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June LHCb: T2 Requirements In terms of software Well known functionality since they only perform MC production CE, SE, RB, GPBOX (policy enforcement mechanism) T2 are not technically critical in LHCb They only have to produce the required amount of MC data In terms of support Fundamental a good performance of the T1 Need of dedicated personnel cannot be set aside Infrastructural and organizational problems must be solved
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June T1-T2 Association During the Rome GDB it was asked to the experiments to provide the T2-T1 relationships Here we have the (in some cases) tentative table It is still an open question for some sites and an issue to be solved
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June ALICE CCIN2P3 French T2, Sejong (Korea), Lyon T2, Madrid (Spain) CERN Capa Town (South Africa), Kolkata (India), T2 Federation (Romania), RMKI (Hungary), Athens (Greece), Slovakia, T2 Federation (Poland), Wuhan (China) FZK FZU (Czech Republic), RDIG (Russia), GSI and Muenster (Germany) CNAF Tier2 Federation RAL Birmingham SARA/NIKHEF PDSF Houston
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June ATLAS BNL USA T2 Federation TRIUMF Canada T2 Federation NDGF Ljubljana PIC Spanish T2 Federation Portuguese Federation RAL T2 in UK CNAF T2 in Italy
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June ATLAS (cont.) CCIN2P3 T2 in France Romanian Federation Alternative data path for Beijing Alternative data path for Tokyo ASGC Melbourne Beijing Tokyo NIKHEF Russian Federation Israeli Federation Alternative path for NorthGrid and Prague
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June CMS CCIN2P3 Belgium T2 France FZK German T2 Poland Russia Switzerland CNAF Greece Hungary Italian T2 PIC Portugal T2 Spain T2
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June CMS (cont.) ASCC India Korea Pakistan Taiwan RAL Estonia T2 UK FNAL Brazil US China, Croatia, Finland to be confirmed
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June LHCb T2 mapped to CERN and T1 CNAF Italian T2 RAL UK T2 PIC Spain T2 FZK German T2 Poland Switzerland CERN Russia CCIN2P3 France T2, Bulgaria + west of meridian line NIKHEF Nederlands + east of meridian line
Patricia Méndez Lorenzo WLCG T2 Workshop 12 th June Summary All the experiments will run the MC production in the T2 Apart of LHCb, all of them will also run the analysis CMS foreseen an important I/O activity Data will always be transferred to T1 for storing All experiments are requiring good catalogues and transfers services ALICE puts in this sense the T2 performance to the T1 level ATLAS defines a more hierarchical structure The responsibility of the corresponding T1 is fundamental The association T1-T2 should be clarify as soon as possible on those countries with no T1