ERLY- Activate
What is it? ERLY is a supportive product for living-alone elderly's relatives. The product provides peace of mind to the relatives, offering useful and reliable information about potential risky situations of the elderly at home. This information is gathered through a set of 100% wireless home sensors with large battery autonomy. Their presence is unnoticeable because they don’t emit any sound or light.
What it detects? No activity prolonged absence from home Absence in unusual hours sleep disorders Daily activities (rest time, eating, hygiene) What it offers? Alerts of unusual activity. Information reports about the elder’s activity 24/7 information access from an Android phone
How it works? A small device is installed in each relevant room. No cables needed. Discrete. Self-configurable. Easy installation The information is sent automatically to all the relative´s smartphones with no user intervention
Mysphera™ devices ( No commercially available yet )
Zwave devices
To whom? The product is targeted to persons with active and independent elder relatives living alone. To persons that could not attend their relatives but want to have timely information about any change in the elderly’s routine. The information provided is useful to check nutrition and exercise habits, the supervision of the rest time of the elder, unusual behaviors and, in general, to asses the adherence to daily routines.
Benefits to a care provider Although the product is designed for families, it can be adapted to serve to organizations that provide care to older persons. Erly is a source of information to care organizations for assessing the wellbeing of the user. The information can be shared with the elderly’s family providing additional and automated information about the status of the person, reinforcing the communication between the care organization and the family. Complemented with Help when Outdoor application provides a full coverage of the wellbeing of the older person, at home or outside home.