Vocab Practice zWorking in pairs, create an acrostic poem OR complete a word interview for your word.
Confucius zBorn in 551 B.C. zdied in 479 B.C.
Confucianism zIt is a belief system- not necessarily a religion. za system of social and ethical philosophy
The Analects zWritten Text of Confucius’ teachings zHe is the “Master” in the text zContains Maxims- similar to proverbs- short sayings that contain a general truth or give practical advice.
Read excerpt from Analects p. 591 zAs you read- paraphrase each of the six maxims in your notebook.
Two main components zli zren
Li z“good manners” or “etiquette” zuniversal harmony zno need for physical sanctions, laws, or punishment
Jen zRelationship between "two persons” zTreat others the way you want to be treated. zeach role in the hierarchy of social relations had clearly defined duties ymutual responsibility – “Know your role”
Five relationships zfather-child zruler-subject zhusband-wife zelder brother-younger brother zfriend-friend
Matching Activity zMatch the Maxims with the real life situations that would apply. zComplete the chart with what each means zWrite which relationship each situation involves for 1-4.
Work on Maps zFinish China Maps for tomorrow.