Habit #7 “It’s Me Time” Lesson 11
Opportunity By: John James Ingalls Master of human destinies am I, fame, love, and fortune on my footsteps wait, cities and field I walk; penetrate deserts and seas remote, and, passing by, hovel, and mart, and palace, soon or late I knock unbidden, once at every gate! If sleeping, wake-if feasting, rise before I turn away. It is the hour every state mortals desire, and conquer every foe save death; but those who doubt, penury and woe, seek me in vain and uselessly implore- I answer not, and I return more.
Lesson 12
This is the shortest and perhaps the most important chapter. It’s all about believing in yourself. You should never give up HOPE! Hope that you can change, kick in addiction, improve an important relationship. Hope that you find answers to your problems and reach your fullest potential. You are unique and special. No other person, ever born has ever been exactly like you. Even identical twins have differences. Look into yourself and search for all your talents, strengths, gifts, etc. Choose one or two habits you’d like to really make part of your everyday living. Work hard at it. You’ll be amazed at the results a few small changes can bring. Gradually, you’ll increase confidence, you’ll feel happier, you’ll get high “naturally,” your goals will become realities, your relationships will improve, and you’ll feel at peace. It all begins with a single step. Click…
A famous ancient Chinese proverb says,” The longest journey begins with a single step.” Think about what this really means. If you take the time to analyze all its implications, you’ll realize it is quite profound and quite true. If you give up and give into your old habits, you will spiral downward. If you persevere you will eventually become a highly effective teen. If you ever find yourself sliding or falling short, don’t get discouraged. Go back and read the poem “Invictus” in lesson four. You are the master of your fate and the captain of your ship. It bears repeating: Click…