Geocaching Merton Schools By: Mr. Pomeroy
What is Geocaching
Etiquette in Geocaching
Using a Garmin GPS device Can use to plug in coordinates Use as a compass to get you to a cache Can you bring one here to keep?
Iphone Can use as a compass and a GPS to find coordinates Help me find a good compass or program to use Ihike GPS
Android Phone Best choice Use C:Geo app Can use coordinates and gives you distance to target cache Please Download
Car GPS (Garmin, Tom Tom,etc) Will work Must plug in coordinates Will have to guess which way to go, but will tell you how far away you are
Different Caches
How many devices do we have? Almost there!
Going to Make groups of 4 How will we do this?
Treasure Hunt Today Inside Must be silent walking through halls Do not share if you find a cache. Report to me when done Outside Respect the equipment and our school Work together as a group Worry about your group