starter Summarise ‘Poem at Thirty-Nine’ in no more than 30 words. Now reduce your summary to 10 words. Summarise the poem in 1 word!
PAST PAPER Show how the poets convey their thoughts and feelings about the relationship between a parent and child in Poem at Thirty-Nine and one other poem from the Anthology. Support your answer with examples from the poems. (20 Marks)
Other poems Piano Do not go gentle.. Mother in a refugee camp Once upon a time If
What mark would you award it and why? EXEMPLAR RESPONSE As we are reading through the model response, note down: Strengths of the piece Areas for development What mark would you award it and why?
MARKING CRITERIA Middle Responses Were expected to know the poems in more detail, with level two candidates responding in a narrative manner, showing their understanding of both poems. Level three candidates were expected to be clearly discussing how the relationship between parent and child is shown in each poem, giving specific textual references as evidence. It was hoped that whilst in level three, candidates would be starting to find contrasts and comparisons between the two poems in order to further evidence their observations in relation to the question. Higher Responses Expected to be using integrated quotations in their writing and to be automatically finding comparisons and contrasts across poems; this was most effective when two poems were compared in one paragraph.