Lightweight Semantic Approach for Enterprise Search and Interoperability Michal Laclavík, Štefan Dlugolinský, Martin Šeleng, Marek Ciglan, Martin Tomašek, Marcel Kvassay, Ladislav Hluchý
Rome, 28 September 2012 2012 VENIS - Objectives Rome, 28 September 20122
Rome, 28 September 2012 2012 VENIS Consortium 3
Rome, 28 September 2012 2012 Semantic Interoperability Hard for SMEs – They do not use CoreComponents, EDI or ebXML – SemanticWeb standards also complex – In Commius CoreComponents had to be mapped to SME needs Light-weight semantics is successful in Web 2.0 and Social Networks sites – User in the loop – Simple tags, annotations, networks/graphs 4
Rome, 28 September 2012 2012 Semantic Interoperability in VENIS Tags, Annotations Networks/graphs formed from events, communication and document structure User interaction Sharing and adopting tags and annotation for data/documents shared system-to-system interoperability based on processing annotations with user in the loop 5
Rome, 28 September 2012 2012 InterSoft Use Case 6 Allocation of development resources to various providers and customers Document exchange ( s, requirements, specifications, profiles)
Rome, 28 September 2012 2012 Information Extraction Information Extraction (Entity identification) – We have used Ontea, but other tools like GATE or Stanford NER can be used – Ontea advantage – forming entity trees Trees Graphs/Networks 7
Rome, 28 September 2012 2012 Parsing and Indexing 8 Archive attachments (e.g. zip) are parsed recursively and each content file is parsed as an attachment
Rome, 28 September 2012 2012 Search Demo 9
Rome, 28 September 2012 2012 User Interface Mock-up: View 10
Rome, 28 September 2012 2012 User Interfaces Mock-up: Token view
Rome, 28 September 2012 2012Conclusion Demo of Enterprise search Towards connecting structured and unstructured data User and context driven fulfillment of information need in enterprise interoperability and day-to-day business tasks Lightweight Semantic interoperability 12