Marcus Ulpius Trajanus (52 A.D A.D.) By: John Cooledge
Early Life Born September 18 th 52 A.D. Born in Italica Spain Made him the first emperor not to come from Italy. his father Marcus Ulpius Traianius was the first senator of their family. served in Syria as a military tribune while his father was a senator.
Political rise started as a military tribune under his father in 71 A.D. gained his praetorship in 85 A.D. elected to consul in 91 A.D. made governor of upper germany in 96 A.D. Advnaced greatly under the emperor Nerva, where he gained fame for his military success and just rule over his troops. Nerva wanted a strong succesor and Trajan was a strong candidate to be his succesor. adopted by Nerva. became emperor of rome in 99 A.D. once Nerva died.
wars 88 A.D marched to upper Germany in order to suppress the rebellion of Saturninus against Domitian. 106 A.D two wars against Dacia which resulted in its destruction and annexation of a roman province. 114 A.D at war again against the Parthian Empire. (Parthian War).
Political achievements the programme of public works was made substantially larger under Trajan. Conquered Dacia and Arabia. roads and bridges were renovated under Trajan. made sea ports. Most important port at Ostia. large provisions for the poor and under privileged children were made under Trajan which still remained 200 years after their establishment. introduced curatores who assumed financial control of local communities. built Forum Trajanum.
Dark side of Trajan was an alcoholic. Liked young boys. Truly loved war. He loved war because he was good at it and his troops adored him due to his willingness to share his life with them.
Trajan’s downfall 114 A.D. Jews began to revolt in the middle east. The Mesopotamians weakened his position in his military campaign and military setbacks weakened his army. He then retreated from Syria back to Rome with his troops. Never made it back to Rome due to his already suffering from circulatory problems, which was believed to be from poison. He suffered a stroke which partially parlayzed him and died soon after in Cilicia on August 9 th 117 A.D.
Legacy Trajan was designated as “Optimus” meaning the greatest. Known for being a ruler for the citizens who looked out for everybody. remembered greatest for his military success even though he was unsuccessful during his last campaigns. many important building projects.
bibliography Gill N.S. “ Trajan- Roman Emperor”. April 7 th rajan.htm rajan.htm Trajan: marble portrait bust. Photograph. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition. Web. 13 Apr Stillman. Roman Rulers and Rebels. Massachusetts, independent school press. 1972