COMmon PROcurement of collective and public service transport clean vehicles COMPRO Bologna Workshop June, 19° 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

COMmon PROcurement of collective and public service transport clean vehicles COMPRO Bologna Workshop June, 19° 2009

Building blocks of the process

The success of the project, i.e.: “the definition and assessment of the conditions for a common procurement of clean collective and public service transport vehicles at European scale by local authorities, aiming both at reducing prices and fostering the consolidation of emerging technologies” is strongly linked to the wide sharing of its outcomes by the European public authorities/transport operators responsible for the Local PT services, and their positive appraisal of the benefits in joining a common procurement action. The critical mass

PMG Follower cities Working Group COMPRO Consortium First meeting Nantes - March 2008 First meeting Nantes - March 2008 Second meeting Bremen - September 2008 Second meeting Bremen - September 2008 First ‘open’ meeting Bremen - September 2008 First ‘open’ meeting Bremen - September 2008 Second ‘restricted’ meeting Rome - January 2009 Second ‘restricted’ meeting Rome - January 2009 Joint PMG-Follower cities Working Group Bologna – June 2009 Joint PMG-Follower cities Working Group Bologna – June 2009 Established in different steps: Questionnaire Call for cities Informative meeting in Bremen (Sept 2008) Letter of Intent Composition: City of Angers; City of Barcelona; City of Bochum; City of Bologna –ATC; City of Burgos City of Craiova; City of Ljubljana; City of Örebro; City of Prague (Transport Research Centre) City of Stuttgart; City of Tirana (Ministry of Transport); The Association of Local Authorities in Skaraborg; Upplands Lokaltrafik Main outcomes: Involvement in practical definition of common bus specifications (results presented afterwards)

PMG Follower cities Working Group COMPRO Consortium First meeting Nantes - March 2008 First meeting Nantes - March 2008 Second meeting Bremen - September 2008 Second meeting Bremen - September 2008 First ‘open’ meeting Bremen - September 2008 First ‘open’ meeting Bremen - September 2008 Second ‘restricted’ meeting Rome - January 2009 Second ‘restricted’ meeting Rome - January 2009 Joint PMG-Follower cities Working Group Bologna – June 2009 Joint PMG-Follower cities Working Group Bologna – June 2009

The analysis gained additional momentum from the followers cities contributions. Still some work has to be done so the analysis is still opened to all cities interested in the process. Therefore: Join the COMPRO activities! Go to Download the Letter of intent and become a member of the working group More follower cities

COMPRO is coordinated by ISIS. The core partnership includes both local and regional authorities and public transport operators: Nantes Métropole (France) Semitan (France) City-State of Bremen (Germany) Bremer Straßenbahn AG (Germany) Emilia Romagna Region (Italy) Gatubolaget (Sweden) EACI Mr Dario Dubolino /index_en.html ISIS – Institute of Studies for the Integration of ISIS – Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems Via Flaminia, 21 – Roma Mrs Silvia Gaggi Contacts The Partners