Information Architecture WG: Report of the Spring 2006 Meeting June 16, 2006 Dan Crichton, Chair NASA/JPL
Executive Summary The draft Information Architecture Green Book RASIM was discussed. Input was received from both NASA and CNES from the March version. A May version was distributed which included several updates. Minor updates need to be made as a result of this meeting. A new version will be distributed for final comments by the beginning of July. The meeting also discussed the importance of developing some best practice case examples using RASIM modeling and functional components. A discussion occurred about the use of RASIM to support SANA A joint meeting occurred with IPR related to registries (albeit narrowly focused on schema registries)
Progress Achieved Significant progress has been achieved since the September meeting and we have received and incorporated quite a few comments. We believe getting broader agency review is now critical. What has also emerged now is the need to define architectural patterns and styles using RASIM concepts for different space domain use cases. Broader interest in registries now seems to be occurring.
Schedule AreaDescriptionDate IAWGHeld SEA IAWG MeetingSeptember 2006 IPR/IAWGXFDU Testing + IPR/IA Technical Interchange JPL November 2006 IPRXML Schema Registry Toulouse IPR Meeting December 2005 IAWGDistributed updated IA Greenbook (Reference Architecture for Space Information Management) to WG March 2006 IPR/IAWGHold GSFCMay 2006 IAWGHold Meeting in RomeJune 2006 IAWGSend out Green Book for Agency Review July 2006 IAWG/IPRRegistry White Paper and Work Plan September 2006 IAWGProduce white paper on reference architectural patterns December 2006 IAWGDiscuss architectural patterns and information infrastructure services Spring 2007
Open Issues While there exists CCSDS participation, it is still minimal across the agencies. –Many agencies now appear to be discussing the IA architecture concepts so the need is increasing –Many agencies are identifying needs for capabilities such as different registries (metadata, schema, service, etc) Cross WG coordination is still difficult –WGs run different lengths which makes scheduling tough Registries work increasing in criticality –Talks beginning on XML schema registries, but the need is broader –Cross agency international space data systems efforts growing their own registry standards (e.g., the International Virtual Observatory Alliance, Planetary Science, etc) –SANA needs it
Action Items Send meeting notes, presentations and comments to IAWG –To: Info Arch WG Members –Due: Due June 30, 2006 Add new participants to mailing list –To: New Participants –Due: Due June 30, 2006 Send an updated version of the green book –To: IAWG Members –Due: Due July 1, 2006 Send Registries White Paper Concept to mailing list –To: IAWG –Due: September 2006
Resource Problems There may not be enough resource commitments from member agencies to achieve deliverables. ESA,CNES and BNSC considered important stakeholders and seem to now be doing more information architecture- related activities.
Cross Area WG / BOF Issues Need on-going coordination with MOIMS Information Packaging and Registries (IPR). –Much more partnering is occurring with a focus on how to define an information infrastructure (interfaces, specifications, architecture, components and best practices) –Recommend that BoF be created for cross-cutting information infrastructure specification (registries, repositories) that gets participation from agency specialists as well as stakeholders Need to also get to the stakeholders in the other groups who have information architecture concerns/problems.
Resolutions to be Sent to CESG and Then to CMC None
New Working Items, New BOFs, etc. Critical that cross group information infrastructure activities be started and that the experts be engaged.