Gold and Tin projects in Australia The Mining 2012 Resources Convention 31 October - 2 November 2012
Competent Person’s Statement and Disclaimer Competent Person’s Statement The information in this presentation that relates to Exploration Results and Mineral Resources is based on information compiled by Dr Gregor Partington, who is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Dr Partington is the Operations Director and full-time employee of Auzex Exploration Limited and has sufficient experience relevant to the style of mineralisation under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”. Dr Partington consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. Forward Looking Statements This presentation has been prepared by Auzex Exploration Limited and contains background information about Auzex current at the date of this presentation. The presentation is in summary form and does not purport to be all inclusive or complete. Recipients should conduct their own investigations and perform their own analysis in order to satisfy themselves as to the accuracy and completeness of the information, statements and opinions contained in this presentation. This presentation is for information purposes only. Neither this presentation nor the information in it constitutes an offer, invitation, solicitation or recommendation in relation to the purchase or sale of shares. This presentation does not constitute investment advice and has been prepared without taking into account the recipient’s investment objectives, financial circumstances or particular needs and the opinions and recommendations in this presentation are not intended to represent recommendations of particular persons. Recipients should seek professional advice when deciding if an investment is appropriate. All securities transactions involve risk, which include (among others) the risk of adverse or unanticipated market, financial or political developments. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Auzex Exploration Limited and its officers, employees, agents and advisers do not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the currency, accuracy, reliability or completeness of any information, statement, opinions, estimates, forecasts or other representations contained in this presentation. No responsibility for any errors or omissions from this presentation arising out negligence or otherwise is accepted. This presentation may include forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are only predictions and are subject to risk, uncertainties and assumptions that are outside the control of Auzex. Actual values, results or events may be materially different from those expressed or implied in this presentation. Given these uncertainties, recipients are cautioned not to place reliance on forward-looking statements. Subject to any continuing obligations under the applicable law and ASX Listing Rules, Auzex does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any information or any of the forward-looking statements in this presentation of any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such forward-looking statement is based. -2-
Auzex Exploration Limited (“Auzex” or “Company”) is an Australian based precious and base metals exploration and development company with projects in Australia and New Zealand. Auzex comprises an experienced team of mining professionals with a proven exploration and development track record in the resources industry. Auzex was created by the demerger of non-Bullabulling assets from Auzex Resources Limited (ASX:AZX) prior to merger of AZX with Bullabulling Gold Limited (ASX:BAB). Unlisted public company, incorporated 6 th October 2011, Auzex has 1,300 Shareholders. Flagship projects Tampia Gold shallow, high-grade project in Western Australia and Khartoum Tin-Tungsten large scale-low grade project in North Queensland. Targeting ASX Initial Public offering in Q4’ Company Overview Focusing on gold and tin which demonstrate strong growth fundamentals driving higher price levels. Develop Tampia Gold project into 1.0 million oz gold target with projected low cash costs. Recreate the success achieved in identifying and developing the Bullabulling gold project from 400Koz to in excess of 3.4Moz in 18 months. Develop Khartoum tin project into a world class deposit. Fast track projects into development. Company Strategy -3-
Company Snapshot Capital Structure Directors Chris Baker – Non-executive Chairman 30 years experience in Australian and New Zealand resources sector. Metallurgist, experience includes technical, operational and management roles in mining sector including gold, uranium, tungsten, titanium and coal. Currently Chairman of Coal Association of New Zealand, Director of CO2CRC, Exec Chairman of the NZCCS partnership and CEO of Straterra. John Lawton – Managing Director 40 years extensive experience in the Australasian resources sector through all aspects of exploration, project development, operations and corporate management. Co-founded Ross Mining NL in 1986 developing 7 gold mines in 12 years. Founded Auzex Resources Ltd which successfully identified and developed the Bullabulling Gold project to in excess of 3.4m ounces of gold. John is a member of The Australian Institute of Metallurgy and the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is Chairman of Peninsula Goldfields Pty Ltd. Dr Greg Partington – Director of Operations 30 years experience in the minerals industry both in exploration and mining. Previously worked for Western Mining, Northern Gold, Ross Mining, Auzex Resources and Bullabulling Gold. He has been involved in several discoveries where he has actively managed the development and feasibility studies of these projects, including the development of the Bullabulling Gold project from 400,000 ounces to in excess of 3.4m ounces. Greg is a member of The Australian Institute of Metallurgy is a Director of Kenex Knowledge Systems. Paul Frederiks – Non-executive Director and Company Secretary Extensive experience in public company financial and secretarial management with more than 30 years experience in the Australian resource sector. Previously held position of Company Secretary of Ross Mining, Auzex Resources and Billabong International Limited and until recently Company Secretary and CFO of Geodynamics Limited. Paul is a fellow of CPA Australia, The Australian Institute of Company Directors and Chartered Secretaries Australia and a former non-executive with China Steel Australia Limited. Projects Tampia Hill gold project (WA - 80%) Khartoum tin-tungsten project (QLD - 100%) Running Brook copper-gold project (QLD - 100%) Galala Range gold-tungsten-molybdenum (QLD - 100%) Lyell gold project (NZ - 65%) Kingsgate molybdenum-bismuth-silica project (NSW - 100%) Klondyke/Seven Hills gold project (NSW - 100%) * Exploration assets, excluding Tampia Gold project valued at $6.0M based on Independent Expert Report (November 2011) -4- Shares % Ordinary Shares22,475,910100% Options00% Total22,475,910100%
Location of Auzex Projects -5-
Tampia Hill Gold Project, WA -6-
Auzex’s flagship project is the 80% owned high grade Tampia Hill Gold project located 300km east of Perth, Western Australia. Existing Inferred resource : 3.4m tonnes at 2.89g/t Au for 324,100 ounces at 1.0g/t Au cut- off (2000). Shallow open-pittable, resource within 100m depth with mineralisation open in all directions. Excellent upside potential – gold mineralistion open in all directions within a greenstone belt extending over 15km (held by JV). Project under-explored: Gault prospect discovered by BHP Gold in 1987 – most exploration has been focused within 1% of the greenstone host. Previous drilling includes 19m at 9.2g/t Au, 12m at 13.4g/t Au, 25m at 10.7g/t Au, 25m at 10.4g/t Au, 9m at 16.49g/t Au, 18m at 24.6g/t Au and 13m at 23.6g/t Au. Auzex hold 80% of the project: private interests 20% free carried to feasibility. Exploration assessment program has commenced. Tampia Hill Gold project -6-
The current Inferred resource was estimated in 2000 after the completion of all drilling. Features of the resource include: Mineralisation at surface Shallow, open-pittable resource Open in all directions Structurally complex High grade character: best intercept – 4m at g/t Au Poorly explored and understood Strong gold – arsenic relation Gault Prospect Inferred Resource(2000) Current Inferred Resource – Gault prospect -9-
Geology Granulite facies metamorphosed Late Archaean mafic-felsic gneisses (The Western Gneiss Terrain of the Yilgarn Craton). Disseminated gold mineralisation associated with arsenopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite (strong Au-As association). Soil geochemistry over 15km strike length and a width of 5km is largely untested. Strong deformational history: structurally controlled mineralisation is continuous. Known mineralisation covers 850m x 250m (open in all directions) associated with K alteration. Geological setting similar to Katanning (Ausgold Ltd - ASX:AUC) and Griffins Find (Panoramic Resources Ltd - ASX:PAN). Property Consists of an Exploration Licence and 2 Mining Leases covering a total area of 35km
Previous Exploration Drilling BHP Gold Mines ltd 1987 – 1990 Soil sampling was followed by RAB (1,197 holes/14,711m) and diamond drilling (18 holes/2,944m); Air magnetics with ground magnetics follow up, 29 line km induced polarization (IP) and ground electromagnetics. Dry Creek Mining NL 1990 – 2000 RAB drilling was completed at Smoker (40 holes/1,145m) and RC drilling at Gault (53 holes/4,553m). 1,308 drill holes totaling 23,252m (68% RAB) have been drilled, predominantly at the Gault prospect. There has been no modern exploration since the late 1990’s. -8-
Work Program Ground gravity program Q4’12 Diamond drilling program Q4’12 RC drilling program to step out resource Q4’12 Updated resource Q2’13 Metallurgical test work Scoping Study Next steps… -11-
Khartoum Tin-Tungsten Project, QLD -6-
Khartoum Tin-Tungsten Project, QLD Potential mt ore, averaging % tin + associated tungsten, silver, zinc, bismuth, copper, indium & molybdenum in potential recoverable quantities. Potential for world class deposit, extensive outcropping of mineralised formations across 50km 2. Best results to date include 15.25% tungsten, 3.78% tin, 0.13% bismuth, 438 g/t silver & 3.39 g/t gold. Initial 6 hole scout drilling intersected mineralisation in all holes along 2,500m strike extent. Recently acquired additional tenements with historical high grade (+1% tin) mineralisation. ~100km SW of Cairns -7- Khartoum tin project panorama Khartoum outcrop
Corporate IPO process commenced, targeting listing in Q4’12, markets permitting Tampia Ground gravity program Q4’12 Diamond drilling program Q4’12 RC drilling program to step out resource Q4’12 Updated resource Q2’13 Khartoum Additional tenements acquired Assessment drilling program Running Brook Kidston style gold target - prospectivity modelling/targeting drilling program Next steps…strong news flow post IPO -11-
Auzex is a precious and base metals exploration and development company with projects in Australia and New Zealand. Auzex comprises an experienced team of mining professionals with a strong track record in exploration, development and operations within the resources industry. Gold and tin offer strong growth fundamentals expected to drive higher price levels Flagship project high grade open-pittable Tampia Gold Project in Western Australia. Tampia resource 324,000oz at 2.89g/t Au, shallow and open in all directions. Targeting a minimum 1 million ounces Au. Previous drilling includes 19m at 9.20g/t Au, 12m at 13.39g/t Au, 25m at 10.7g/t Au, 25m at 10.35g/t Au, 9m at 16.49g/t Au, 18m at 24.57g/t Au and 13m at 23.55g/t Au. Khartoum, potential for world class tin project, best results to date incl % tungsten, 3.78% tin, 0.13% bismuth, 438 g/t silver & 3.39 g/t gold Running Brook gold-copper project – Kidston Clean capital structure ~ 22.5m shares on issue, no options. Auzex has 1,300 shareholders. Targeting Q4’12 Initial Public Offering on ASX, markets permitting. Summary -12-
Additional projects Running Brook Gold (Copper) Project - Queensland (100%) Located to the south of Kidston gold mine with very similar geology and geochemistry to the Kidston deposit Drilling and testing to date has only tested a small part of the prospective area Best rock chip samples included a maximum 3.12g/t Au and 8.17% Cu. Results to date for gold and copper have been encouraging with wide 100ms low grade up to 0.5g/t Au mineralised zones intersected. Best results to date include 0.17g/t, incl. 0.5g/t from 24m Targeting up to 1m oz Lyell Gold Project – South Island, New Zealand (65%) Located in Reefton Goldfields that has historically produced 2.1m oz Au & now has new discoveries (Globe Progress) in production AZX identified gold bearing quartz lodes over a strike length of 5km Soil sampling highly encouraging with five assays over 1.00 g/t Au & spot assays of 39.4 g/t Au and g/t Au Previous production of 96,500oz gold with average grade of 17g/t Drilling program commenced in March 2011 Diamond drill rig at Lyell -15- Running Brook costean sampling
Additional projects continued Kingsgate Molybdenum / Bismuth / Silica Project – New South Wales (100%) Kingsgate Mine was second largest molybdenum producer in Australia in its time AZX works inc trial mining successfully completed in 2006 Best results – resource drilling program inc 1.35% Mo & 0.69% Bi Feasibility study completed Dec Demonstrated project is financially robust with low initial capital cost, high operating margin & short payback period 20km east of Glenn Innes NSW Visual molybdenum mined from the first bench of the Kingsgate trial pit Drilling at Kingsgate Klondyke/Seven Hills gold project - New South Wales (100%) Located to 40km north-east of Glenn Innes, NSW Exploration has identified two Intrusion Related Gold Deposits (IRGD) targets in the region. Auzex completed a 28 hole RAB drilling program across a 3.5km by 1.5km target. Best intersections included 13m at 8.6g/t Au and 14m at 1.3g/t Au. Best results from RC included 8, at 2.7g/t Au and 8m at 2.8g/t Au. -16-