UCR’s role in improving education and educational opportunity Thomas M. Smith Dean & Professor Graduate School of Education
University of California, Riverside One of the most ethnically and economically diverse research universities in the country Rated #2 by Washington Monthly Social Mobility Research Community Service U.S. News and World Report ranks the UCR GSOE: 76 th in the country 10 th in California 1 st in the Inland Empire
What does the GSOE do? Research includes: Reading acquisition and reading difficulties Measurement and assessment STEM Teacher quality and teacher labor markets Behavior support practices, including multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) Families of children with disabilities, including autism Higher education politics, policy and finance Racial equities issues in higher education And coming soon….STEM teaching and Learning!
Concerns about drop in enrollment in teacher education NPR: Where have all the teachers gone? March 23, 2015
SOURCE: May 2015 presentation by Patrick Shields, executive director of SRI education; data from California Department of Education and Commission on Teacher Credentialing California is Heading Toward a Teacher Shortage
UCR GSOE Teacher education enrollment
Shortage is a bigger problem in some fields than others
Designated Shortage Areas FTE Shortage % of Subject FTE Teachers % of Total FTE Teachers Special Education including State Special Schools4, %1.75% Mathematics/Computer Education2, %0.85% Science2, %0.78% English/Drama/Humanities2, %0.78% PE/Health/Dance %0.35% History/Social Science1, %0.46% Other Specializations %0.37% Totals13, % Source: California Department of Education,
Teacher candidates by subject area UCR CA
Racial/ethnic distribution of teacher credential students CAUCR White51%32% Hispanic/Latino26%44% African American6%4% Asian/Pacific Islander9%14% American Indian1%0% Two or more races7% Other/decline to state6% Source: Annual Report Cardon California Teacher Preparation Programs for the Academic Year 2012 ‐ UCR data
4 out of 10 beginning teachers quit in the first 5 years
Why do new teachers leave? Ingersoll, R., Merrill, L., & Stuckey, D. (2014). Seven trends: the transformation of the teaching force. CPRE Report (#RR-80)
What does research tell us about teacher quality and retention? Content knowledge alone does not necessarily lead to high quality teaching Mentorship by a teacher in the same field can help reduce teacher attrition Teacher professional development should be content- focused, on-going, and tied to what teachers are trying to accomplish in their classrooms Don’t put new teachers in the most challenging schools A supportive principal matters Balance between accountability and autonomy in the classroom