Missouri School Board Association
Agenda Dr. Jon Clark Welcome WGHS Background The Chelsea Detrick Experiential Learning Center Background Dr. Sarah Riss Comments Julie Burchett Experiential Learning Overview Experiential Learning Opportunities Website and Social Media Teacher Academy WGSD Board Members David Addison – Internships David Addison – Travel Steve Loher – Service Learning
Webster Groves High School Background
Chelsea Detrick Experiential Learning Center Background Dreaming ten years ago about how to improve high schools Glenn and Chelsea Detrick Chelsea Center Pilot – Summer 2010 Focus on student engagement/how they learn
Four Pillars Dr. Freeman Hrabowski, University of Maryland High expectations – curiosity fostered Create a strong sense of community among the students It takes researchers to produce researchers – kids work with experts on important work Faculty are involved with the students WGHS Way = Empower students!
Overview of Experiential Learning Julie Burchett
Philosophy Learning occurs when carefully chosen experiences are supported by reflection, critical analysis, and synthesis Comes from the work of John Dewey and David Kolb
What is Experiential Learning? Learning by doing Observing and interacting with the real world Reflecting deeply on what has been done Developing 21 st century skills Seen as a process and not an outcome
21 st Century Skills We want to teach these skills and give students a chance to use them Easily done in experiential learning Dr. Tony Wagner – Harvard Graduate School of Education Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Collaboration and Leadership Agility and Adaptability Initiative and Entrepreneurialism Effective Oral and Written Communication Accessing and Analyzing Information Curiosity and Imagination
A Process, Not an Outcome
Three Major Areas of Experiential Learning Internships Also includes employment, shadowing, and mentoring Service Learning Also includes community outreach Travel School or personal
Website and Social Media Chelsea Center Website Chelsea Center Website Like us on Tweet
Experiential Learning WGHS Teacher Academy Three-year academy – based on NSEE Experiential Education Academy Goals: Teachers will be trained and will implement experiential learning into their classroom curriculum These classes will be designated in the course book and on student transcripts as “Experiential Learning” Academy Year One Academy Year Two Academy Year Three
Samples of Experiential Learning Classes Revolutionary Journeys – U.S. History travel Civil Rights Journeys – U.S. History travel Unknown St. Louis - Celebrate 250 Years! – local travel Medical Sampler Teaching Tech– community classes at local libraries Construction in the Community Ceramics Music Masters Geocaching Service Learning Sampler Mini –Camp Leaders – students pick their passion and teach elementary school students
Samples of Internships Mr. David Addison/Dr. Sarah Riss Washington University Microbiology and Physics Lab The Green Center Education/Interpretive Class Leadership (RE)Fresh – fashion marketing for Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition resale store for teens The Sierra Club—Grass Roots Organizing South Broadway Art Project Walter Ambrose Family Center – pre- school assistant Teaching internships – math and English for middle school Llywelyn’s - Restaurant Entrepreneurship Pro-Rehab Physical Therapy Pepsi – Sales and Marketing WGHS Office Administration and WGSD Accounting Web Design Graphic Design Creative Writing for Veterans Workshop Shaw Nature Reserve – Environmental Ecology Broadcasting Historical Society –Archivist; Webster Groves History through Architecture Bring your own idea for an internship!
Travel Mr. David Addison School trips
Travel Personal trips
Service Learning Mr. Steve Loher
Sophomore Service Day -Beginnings
Sophomore Service Day in Action
Role of the Board Mr. David Addison Provide necessary resources Publically support and acknowledge major donors Publically support innovative practices Publically support experiential learning! – Attend events – Students and staff report at BOE meeting – Honor the work of the students and staff – Consider acting as a mentor/advisor