Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia Circumstances: Our generation is the first one to have the possibility to keep human beings “alive” when their brains have irreversibly ceased to function (brain death) Sufferers sometimes wish to commit suicide but help from others is needed in order to carry it forward. To prevent this situation some people write a “living will” giving his family the right to withdraw life-sustaining treatment in case of brain will asm09/news/
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia Definition: Euthanasia is a gentle and easy death and it’s called mercy killing. It’s legal in the Netherlands and Belgium. /library/humani ty/humanity.sht ml
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia Types: Voluntary euthanasia or “assisted suicide” happens when the sufferer has made it clear their wish to die. Non voluntary euthanasia happens if a patient cannot express a wish to die (e.g. Comas, dementia). Involuntary euthanasia occurs in those cases when they don’t express any wish to live or not. merica/america.terr i.schiavo.htm
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia Types: nancy- n/anglais/Henr y/euthanasia.h tm
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia Types: Active euthanasia or direct euthanasia happens when the person asks someone else to help them to die or refuses to have the necessary medical treatment. Passive euthanasia. Judged to be legal with patients who can’t make decisions but who are allowed to die by withdrawing treatment and/or nourishment. Indirect euthanasia or double effect euthanasia happens as a result of pain relief treatment and has the side effect of quickening death. int/38414.stm
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia Reasons in favour: People should be allowed to decide for themselves when they want to die. Euthanasia would allow people to die with dignity. WC8hNRGU0oY/Ro2nLR MfFsI/AAAAAAAAABs/u4 TcfWvWCxY/s400/help% 2520hand.bmp
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia Reasons in favour: Relatives wouldn’t need to watch their loved ones suffer a painful death ,339709,00.html
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia Reasons in favour: Keeping people alive throughout an electrical machine is not human life in the true sense. Animals are not allowed to suffer; the same compassion should be shown to humans. The sea inside
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia Reasons in favour: Human life has a value that should always be preserved. stories/ / euthanasia-0 Reasons for Euthanasia
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia Reasons against: If God is the giver of life, only God may end it. Suffering is a way of strengthening faith, we shouldn’t try to escape from God's plan. Euthanasia goes against the commandment, 'Do not kill'. Euthanasia is a murder. God may have plans for people even when it seems that their life is finished. E.g. Stephen Hawking. Helping the sick, the disabled and the old teaches us compassion blogspot.c om/2009/02/hiy ab-xavi-sala html
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia Reasons against: The doctor's diagnosis may be wrong. The doctor/patient relationship could change. The old and disabled might feel that they should accept euthanasia to avoid being a burden to their family or to society. If the correct care is provided, dignity and freedom from pain can be given to the dying. Support-For- Disabled- Children-Gallery
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia Reasons against: Human life has a value that should always be preserved. ews/article /Luxembourg-says- yes-euthanasia.html Arguments Against Euthanasia
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia The religious point of view: Every religion considers euthanasia a grave violation of the law of God’. asons-why-we- opposed-on- euthanasia.html nberg.blogspot.c om/2009_03_01_ archive.html However, –The Roman Catholic Church consider the double effect permissible. –The Church of England accepts that in some cases there are strong arguments for people not to be kept alive at all costs –Muslims are ordained to help those in suffering.
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia The hospice movement The hospice is a place where people are treated until they die. Their principles and aims are: Caring for the sick Researching pain control Searching for cures Teaching nurses and doctors Giving people the best quality of life The staff help patients and relatives The staff take care of the physical, psychological and spiritual health of the patients. changecoach. com/
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia Aragón: About euthanasia in Aragón you may see several newspaper articles: –11 –22 –33
Social problems in our actual world THE BEGINNING AND THE END OF HUMAN LIFE. Euthanasia Now, we would like to discuss: Do you see any difference between Involuntary euthanasia and Murder? If “Death is a part of our lives”, would helping someone to live and die with dignity be the result of compassion or selfishness? Sometimes, people at hospitals ask for spiritual help. What do you think it would happen if they didn't get it? Do you think that making euthanasia legal could end in the killing of disabled or old people? hagas-esperar.html