If you were an onlooker, how would you describe your physical surroundings in these pictures?
NO TECHNOLOGY NATURAL WORLD PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS The point is that if you had NO TECHNOLOGY and wanted to explain the NATURAL WORLD around you, you might let your PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS guide you!
The Scientific Revolution!
NATURAL/PHYSICAL WORLD …time period (1500s-1700s) when the emergence of modern SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS, ASTRONOMY and a new way of thinking about the NATURAL/PHYSICAL WORLD challenged traditional (old or pre-modern) views and relied upon EXPERIMENTATION and NEW SCIENCE. BIG PICTURE WHAT WAS THE SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION? ANSWER: WHAT IS WHAT DRIVES REVOLUTION “WHAT IS and WHAT DRIVES a REVOLUTION? …and WHO?
The GEOCENTRIC THEORY (and the Ptolemaic System) EARTH WAS AN UNMOVING OBJECT AT CENTER OF UNIVERSE * EARTH WAS AN UNMOVING OBJECT AT CENTER OF UNIVERSE ! (WHAT?)… The moon, sun, and planets move around earth. CONCENTRIC SPHERES * Series of CONCENTRIC SPHERES – beyond planets lay sphere of fixed stars and HEAVEN (God). ARISTOTLE PTOLEMY * …ARISTOTLE in the 4 th century B.C. (PTOLEMY expanded theory in 2 nd century A.D.)
OLD VIEWS (pre-Modern) on SCIENCE, MAGIC, PHILOSOPHY and RELIGION GEOCENTRIC MODEL ACCEPTED BY THE CHURCH 1.) Aristotle, Ptolemy and the GEOCENTRIC MODEL – ACCEPTED BY THE CHURCH! (science focused on observation and sensory experience – no real technology to use) ALCHEMY ASTROLOGY * Belief and support of practices like ALCHEMY and ASTROLOGY (basically, magic was possible and believable) RELIGION CHURCH 2.) RELIGION & trusting the CHURCH! CHRISTIANITY “Why did CHRISTIANITY support this theory?” (taught God deliberately placed earth at center of universe)
FAST-FORWARD several hundred years into the 16 th and 17 th centuries… RENAISSANCE HUMANISTS HUMANISTS DISAGREED WITH ARISTOTLE INDIVIDUAL EMPIRICISM 1.) RENAISSANCE HUMANISTS mastered Greek/Latin (translated works of Ptolemy, Archimedes and Plato); HUMANISTS DISAGREED WITH ARISTOTLE! (preferred INDIVIDUAL thought and EMPIRICISM to a reliance on personal observation) Aristotle’s findings MIDDLE AGES * Aristotle’s findings called the shots during the MIDDLE AGES – BUT, was he right? NEW TECHMATH 2.) NEW PROBLEMS (exploration) required NEW SOLUTIONS – which led to the development of NEW TECH. & MATH! TELESCOPEMICROSCOPEPRINTING PRESSALGEBRAGEOMETRYDECIMAL SYSTEM EX.) TELESCOPE, MICROSCOPE, PRINTING PRESS, ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, DECIMAL SYSTEM
Dawn of Modern Science MIDDLE AGES/PRE-RENAISSANCE NATURAL WORLD * MIDDLE AGES/PRE-RENAISSANCE scholars sought answers about the NATURAL WORLD from the CHURCH (mid-1500s, others began to think in new ways) OLD VIEW PRE-MODERN OLD VIEW (PRE-MODERN) * NEW VIEW MODERN * NEW VIEW (MODERN) * TRADITIONAL AUTHORITIES Scholars relied on TRADITIONAL AUTHORITIES for beliefs about structure of universe (Aristotle, Ptolemy, etc.) GEOCENTRIC MODEL Aristotle & the GEOCENTRIC MODEL CHURCH Ideas about natural world were upheld by CHURCH, accepted authority for European intellectuals CHALLENGE TRADITIONALAUTHORITIES 1.) Scholars (humanists) began to CHALLENGE TRADITIONAL AUTHORITIES (Aristotle) in the 1500s 3.) Why open to new ideas? EXPLORATION * EXPLORATION (new lands, new people, new animals, new curiosities) SCIENTISTS MATHEMATICIANS 2.) SCIENTISTS and MATHEMATICIANS began to think in new ways – posed theories, developed procedures to test theories (EVIDENCE and EXPERIMENT) CAUSES of the SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION
NICOLAUS COPERNICUS HELIOCENTRIC THEORY NICOLAUS COPERNICUS and the HELIOCENTRIC THEORY On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies HELIOCENTRIC SYSTEM * On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies (written in 1530, published in 1543), Copernicus proposed a HELIOCENTRIC SYSTEM. EARTH AND PLANETS REVOLVE AROUND THE SUN * EARTH AND PLANETS REVOLVE AROUND THE SUN! (circular orbit) THINK * THINK: Why did Copernicus wait until he was on his deathbed to publish On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies? Answer Answer: he feared ridicule from scholars and persecution from the Catholic Church On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies COPERNICAN REVOLUTION On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies began the COPERNICAN REVOLUTION SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION (aka the SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION!)
That’s what the SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION was aaallll about! HUMANKIND’S PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE …with new ways of thinking and technological developments, it gave Europeans a new way to view HUMANKIND’S PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE! * BIG IDEA NEXT TIME * BIG IDEA into NEXT TIME: Advances in mathematics and technology by PEOPLE allowed scientists to demonstrate the proof of abstract theories with clear and logical evidence!