Future Internet: Some ideas from CINI Giorgio Ventre Università di Napoli Federico II & Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica
Il Consorzio Interuniv. Naz. per l’Informatica Public Consortium of 31 Italian Universities Departments of Computer Science and Computer Engineering ~1100 faculty, ~1000 PhD students and postdocs Activity: research, technological transfer, consultancy
Future Internet Future Internet is about digital contents and personalized services You cannot have a “Future Internet” deployed –If you do not involve people, industry, government –If you do not provide BB connectivity –If you do not offer novel software services
Future Internet issues ICT technologies are the kernel of the Future Internet They evolve rapidly, hence frontier research is important Three megatrends: –Internet of things (connectivity) –(Open source) software architectures and middleware –Internet of people (personal services and social applications)
Connected Society RFID Wi-Fi Green IT location- based services Mobile computing Sw Infrastructures Search engines SOA Testbeds Cloud computing Semantic Web Education Entertainment E-commerce Internet of people E-government Megatrends Social Networking SaaS IaaS E-health User Generated Content NGN2
CINI priorities for FI IP ++ Research on service oriented systems (NESSI) –Innovative software architectures for future Internet Infrastructures for virtualization (of middleware, of services) –Knowledge-intensive social software technologies for communities (of people, of companies, of the public sector) Research on embedded software (ARTEMIS) ICT Security, including homeland security Educational issues: skills & professional gaps Green ICT and energy-aware computing Legal issues in the future internet: novel QoS, trust, privacy, IPR schemas for Future Internet, network neutrality
Two recent examples ComCast to acquire NBC –Entertainment as the killer application –TV 2.0 still to be defined –Not new: look at BT ADSL traffic after Halo 2 release Social Networks in Corporate World –Linkedin, Facebook can be used not only for dating –Spread and link the Company Knowledge
Future Internet: a “tabula rasa” We try to follow a “clean slate” approach to break- through innovation in the Internet architecture We need a new Internet that necessarily has to be –Open –Scalable –Reliable and dependable –Diverse in contents and formats of media –Transparent to both service providers and users We must encourage innovative thinking in Academia and Industry We need support from governments
Architectural challenges Dependability improvement of complex and distributed critical networked systems, e. g. air traffic management, railway control, and homeland security systems Dependability assessment of wireless sensor networks used to monitor LCCIs (Large Complex Critical Infrastructures) Novel mechanisms for traffic measurement, routing and forwarding within the future Internet Algorithms and protocols for overlay network services Novel resilient paradigms for the future Internet
The role of testbeds We need the availability of effective and open testbeds –Improve the availability of broadband to reliably interconnect networking research facilities –Fund network testbeds and demonstrators Look at Geni and PlanetLab –Incentive Industries (…and convince Governments) to go towards the creation of services and applications Mobile, seamless BB access Cloud Computing e-Health and e-Gov applications Media and Entertainment Industry
A Future Internet for our Economy By designing, experimenting, and teaching the Future Internet we will support the recovery of the EU economy –Fund and support research and training on new software and network architectures –Support the open source development and deployment of new services and applications –Help Universities (…and SME) to go Internet scale exploiting knowledge-intensive services