BIRT Reporting Cross-discipline reporting across Rational repositories Bill Nelson
2 What is BIRT? > Business Intelligence and Report Tools Project > Open source initiative as part of the Eclipse Foundation > Initially focused on embedded reporting for Java Developers > Similar to “Crystal Reports” but free > Rational integrating into their products (v7.1) > Next generation reporting technology > Eclipse-based Report Designer > Web-centric design metaphor > Open Source with rapid adoption > Standards based & highly extensible > Open XML design format > Build community and ecosystem Project Goals
3 What problem are we trying to solve? > Abstract “tool” information to a level to be digested by management/executives > Required reporting across different tools (e.g. ReqPro, ClearQuest, Test Manager) and repositories > Required easy accessibility (e.g. web) that was on- demand > Required “customization” to fit language of BCBSMN > Hope is that it will result in better adoption of tools
4 Why do we use BIRT? > Needed a way to report across Rational repositories and make easily accessible and relevant to management/executives > Open source (free) and deployment to WebSphere (Web application) > Rational is replacing Crystal Reports with BIRT in ClearQuest v7.1 > Powerful and relatively simple
5 How are we using BIRT?
6 Example – Test Execution Summary
7 Example – Test Execution Detail
8 Example – Requirement Validation Matrix Summary
9 Example – Requirement Validation Matrix Detail
10 Example – Defect Summary
11 How will we measure success? > Project measurement processes do not allow for a detailed measurement plan > Case studies powered by “educated” estimates of key project personnel
12 Demo – Create simple report > Show integration with ClearCase > Connect to Database > Create Datasets > Create Table > Preview > Hyperlink to detail table
13 Next Steps - Dashboard > Ours is bad today
14 Next Steps – CQTM/CQ Enterprise Migration and Oracle Views