“AN INTEGRATED APPROACH FOR ENHANCING THE PRODUCTIVITY, QUALITY AND SAFETY OF INDIAN FOOD PRODUCTS ” (INDIAN Continent) Societal Wisdom is based on thousands of years proven safe community experience Western knowledge is localized, only a few hundred years conjectures, often motivated by Greed and are failing in final Ecological Genetic and Evolutionary sustainability evaluation.
1countryPopulation Crores Area Thousand Sq KM Population Density /Sq KM 2 China India USA Indonesia Brazil Pakistan Bangladesh161441,142
Productivity Desirables Optimum / not continuously growing productivity Productivity should be Need based not Greed based By Optimum utilization/Not exploitation of resources Continuously Enhancing Productivity is an unstable divergent series not sustainable Excess production leads to; waste of commodity and resources Compromised quality and Safety Enhanced Unproductive inflationary costs
Indian Productivity Traditions Environmentally sustainable Sustainable Productivity Inbuilt Food Safety Cow based Organic Food Zero Food Miles- Place of honor to producer the Farmer
Food Safety in USA US Experience From FDA internet
Food Safety concerns in USA Bacteria and Viruses Molds, Toxins, and Contaminants Parasites Allergens The organisms that cause the most illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths in the United States are : Salmonella Norovirus Campylobacter Toxoplasma E. coli O157 E. coli O157 Listeria Clostridium perfringens. Clostridium perfringens
Long-Term Effects Chronic arthritis One in six Americans will get sick from food poisoning this year (2012). Most of them will recover without any lasting effects from their illness. For some, however, the effects can be devastating and even deadly. Serious long-term effects associated with several common types of food poisoning include: Serious long-term effects Kidney failure Brain and nerve damage Death
Causes & Remedies Production – Go Organic Growing the plants we harvest or raising the animals we use for food If fields are sprayed with contaminated water, fruits and vegetables can be contaminated before harvest. Processing- HOME PROCESSING Changing plants or animals into what we recognize and buy as food. If contaminated water or ice is used to wash, pack, or chill fruits or vegetables, the contamination can spread to those items. Distribution- ZERO FOOD MILES Moving food from the farm or production plant to the consumer or a kitchen. If refrigerated food is left on a loading dock for long time in warm weather, it could reach temperatures that allow bacteria to grow. Preparation- DONE at HOME Getting the food ready to eat. This may occur in the kitchen of a restaurant, home, or institution. If a cook uses a knife to cut raw chicken and then uses the same knife without washing it to slice tomatoes, the tomatoes can be contaminated by pathogens from the chicken.
Handling of System failures Local agencies: Most foodborne outbreaks are local events. Public health officials in just one city or county health department investigate these outbreaks. State agencies: The state health department investigates outbreaks that spread across several cities or counties. This department often works with the state department of agriculture and with federal food safety agencies. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): For outbreaks that involve large numbers of people or severe or unusual illness, a state may ask for help from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC usually leads investigations of widespread outbreaks—those that affect many states at once. Federal regulatory agencies: The CDC collaborates with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) throughout all phases of an outbreak investigation. In the case of an outbreak of foodborne illness, these federal agencies work to find out why it occurred, take steps to control it, and look for ways to prevent future outbreaks. They may trace foods to their origins, test foods, assess food safety measures in restaurants and food processing facilities, lead farm investigations, and announce food recalls.
Indian Foods: Traditional Safety Organically Produced is Best safest Quality Non carcinogenic Hormone Destructing Fresh is Best Cook at home
Environmental Sustainability Well Defined forest policies (preserving natural habitat) अभयारण्य Safe forests (Gated-Natural barriers) 1, 3-5 KM deep (Safe from predators) for pastures. 2, protected safe forests for आश्रम, गुरुकुल, Reserve forests for wild life conservation Bio diversity. Tree Plantation (Global Warming-Ozone layer repair) Water harvesting and Conservation practices Organic Agriculture- Cow based Agriculture crop rotation maintains soil moisture and productivity Vegetarianism ( Water Foot Print)
Sustainable Productivity Organic Cow based Agriculture Soil maintained organically by cows Not trying to force nature by Genetic modifications.GM products are unnecessary Not forcing cows to produce higher and higher milk. Western Dairy industry finds cows infertile, uneconomic after 2.4 lactations.
Top Priority Vedic Staff Functions to education system to provide self motivated creative talent for all round welfare and progress. अध्वर्यवो भरतेन्द्राय सोममात्रेभि: सिंन्चता मद्यमंध: !. कामी हि वीर: सदमस्य पीतिं जुहोत वृष्णे तदिदेष वष्टि. !!, ऋग्वेद 2/14/1 King should provide good appropriate knowledge and technology in good measure for self motivation of individuals to ensure achievement of abundance and prosperity, by good nutrition, health and peace for the land and those living off it
2 nd Priority Rain Water Harvesting Create systems for natural rain water harvesting and Optimum Utilization of water resources अध्वर्यवो यो अपो वव्रिवांसं वृत्रं जघानाशन्येव वृक्षम् ! तस्मा एतं भरत तद्वशायँ एष इन्द्रो अर्हति पीतिमस्य !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/2 Harness those waters of rains, which are released by the actions of lightening, that strikes the trees and sets them on fire. Thus work for the creation of bounties of fertilized soil by rich biomass feeds and prosperity of vegetation, as the gifts provided by Indra.
3 rd Priority Maintain OZONE layer अध्वर्यवो यो दृभीकं जघान यो गा उदाजदप हि बलं व: ! तस्मा एतमन्तरिक्षे ना वात्मिन्द्रं सोमैरोर्णुत जूर्न वस्त्रै: !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/3 Exercise control over natural calamities like the violent storms, that play havocs like demons, toss all cattle and life in to air and smash on to the ground, cause great upheavals disrupt life and property. These are brought about by the holes in the protective garment, which covers the earth in the space. These holes are like holes in a worn out old garment. Heal and repair the holes in the covering by green vegetation and herbs helped by rain making clouds and atmosphere.
4 th Priority Promote Green Cover अध्वर्यवो य उरणं जघान नव चख्वांसं नवतिं च बाहून् ! यो अर्बुदमव नीचा बबाधे तमिन्द्रं सोमस्य भृथे हिनोत !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/4 This protective garment is like the fleece of a sheep. There are trillions of hands on the ground, which support the actions to prevent damage to this garment (in the space) and to keep it in good repair like new. These trillions of hands- (the green cover on ground) churn the environment with lightening and greenery to disarm the attackers of the fleece like protective cover. Like a good leader of armies, motivate these 'GREEN' actions on the lands to bring prosperity to all.
Food Safety Security Organic Seed, IPM अध्वर्यवो य: शतमा सहस्रं भूम्या उपस्थेअवपज्जघन्वान् ! कुत्सस्यारतिथिग्वस्य वीरान्यवृणग्भरता सोममस्मै !! ऋग्वेद 2/14/7 Along with the innumerable crops being cultivated by the farmers for feeding the nation, the guests and dependents, innumerable enemies in the form of weeds, pests, etc also get in to the land. The Farmer should work on sustainable herbal remedies to help the growth of agriculture crops.
Freshly harvested- not artificially treated for extended shelf life पितुं नु स्तोषं महो धर्माणं तवीषीम् | यस्य त्रितो व्योजसा वृत्रं विपर्वमर्दयत् || ऋ Food that has been grown with sincere, efforts, labor and precautions, and has been treated by sifting, cleaning, storing and grinding to make it palatable and available like fresh raw milk are like medicine for human body.
High Brix Number स्वादो पितो मघो पितो वयं त्वा ववृमहे | अस्माकमविता भव || ऋ Food that is sweet like honey and palatable like good water, protects physical, mental health by good nutrition, for growth and protects against premature aging. ( This is reflected in Brix number in modern specification of good fruits and vegetables)
Typical Brix Table Item poor ave. good best Carrots Cantaloupe Cherry Coconut Grapes Lemon Mango Orange
Zero Food Miles उप नः पितवा चर शिवः शिवाभिरूतिभिः | मयोभुरद्विषेण्यः सखा सुशेवो अद्वयाः || ऋ 1/187/3 Provide Good food from nearest source (पितो)अन्न व्यापक कराने वाला परमात्मन(मयोभू: )सुख की भावना कराने वाले (अद्विषेण्य) किसी से द्वेष न करने वाले, सब को एक जैसा अन्न उपलब्ध करवाने वालेवाले, हमारे लिए (सुशेव:)सुंदर और सुख युक्त (अद्वया:) जिस मे द्वंद्व भाव न रखने वाला (सखा) वह मित्र आप, हे परमात्मन (शिवाभि:) सुखकारिणी वह अन्न (ऊतिभि:)रक्षा, तृप्ति, वृद्धि, तेज (न:) हम लोगो के लिए (शिव:) सुखकारी (उप, आ, चर) समीप अच्छे प्रकार से प्राप्त कराइये
Vedic Vision on Food उत्तम अन्नदि की उपलब्धता Availability of excellent food तत्सवितुर्वृणीमहे वयं देवस्य भोजनम् । श्रेष्ठं सर्वधातमं तुरं भगस्य धीमहि ।। RV To ensure complete `prosperity, adopt a policy for Fast universal availability of clean food for all. सम्पूर्ण ऐश्वर्य के लिए, अत्युत्तम, सब को प्राप्य, सब स्वच्छ विकारों दोषों से रहित, भोजन की व्यवस्था का हम वरण करते हैं.
Ensure full availability of food people like अन्नदि से तृप्त समाज अस्य हि स्वयशस्तरं सवितु: कच्चन प्रियम् । न मिनन्ति स्वराज्यम् ।। RV Establish stable administrative structure to ensure permanent food security for the entire society. अपने समाज में सब के प्रिय, सब को भोजन अन्न से तृप्त करने करने की स्थाइ व्यवस्था स्थापित करते हैं
Give honourable position to Farmer स हि रत्नानि दाशुषे सुवाति सविता भग: । तं भागं चित्रमीमहे ।। RV Recognise the role played in society by the farmer for ensuring Food sustainably. Give due place of honour to the Farmer. ( उस कृषक को) जो समाज के लिए यह बहुमूल्य अन्न का दाता है, उस के महत्व को हम पहचानें, वही हमें जीवन यापन के लिए अद्भुत ऐश्वर्य रूपी अन्न धन प्राप्त कराता है.
Achieve Food Security आत्मनिंभरताअद्या न: देव सवित: प्रजावत् सावी: सौभगम् । परा दु:ष्वप्न्यं सुव ।। RV In order to banish even from dream the ideas of deprivation and destitution, Entire society should be blessed with good availability of food and material comfort resources. सम्पूर्ण प्रजा के लिए सौभाग्य के लिए उत्तम धन धान के साधन उपलब्ध हों, जिस से बुरे (अभाव ग्रस्त) जीवन के स्वप्न भी न आएं
Food to be free of adulterations and disease विश्वानि देव सवितर्दुरितानि परा सुव । यद् भद्रं तन्न आ सुव ।। RV All that is evil and harmful should leave us to be replaced with all that is for our good. विश्व में जितनी दुर्गुणावस्थाएं हैं वे सब हमारे से दूर हों और जो हमारे लिए शुभ कल्याणकारी है वह उपलब्ध हो.
Do not injure environment, soil and society अनागसोऽदितये देवस्य सवितु: सवे । विश्वा वामानि धीमहि ।। RV For life long happiness we should Never commit aggression against environments, Bring discomfort to our parents and teachers neighbours. हमारा जीवन पर्यावरण अखंण्ड भूमि के लिए निरपराधी हो, हम माता पिता गुरु जनों के लिए सदैव सुखकारी, सम्पूर्ण ऐश्वर्य धारी जीवन को प्राप्त करें.
Transparent and according to laws of nature आ विश्वदेवं सत्पतिं सूक्तैरद्या वृणीमहे । सत्यसवं सवितारम् ।। RV Our strategies should give protection to those who follow honestly the physical laws of Nature & environments. हमारा आचरण सज्जनों का पालक, सत्य प्रतिज्ञा का पालन करने वाला और प्रकृति के नियमों के अनुरूप हो.
Proactive policies य इमे उभे अहनी पुर एत्यप्रयुच्छन् । स्वाधीर्देव: सविता ।। RV We should be always active in following these sustainable strategies with regularity and orderliness learning from Nature’s systems like daily sun rise heralding the day for actions followed by Night for rest. हमारा आचरण प्रकृति मे दिन और रात्रि के क्रम की तरह प्रमाद रहित हो.
promote public awareness Educative Media य इमा विश्वा जातान्याश्रावयति श्लोकेन । प्र च सुवाति सविता ।। RV It is duty of all learned persons to spread this knowledge ( about food safety, Production and sustainability) by education and media इन समस्त विषयों के ज्ञाता विद्वानों को उचित है वे सब जनता में इस ज्ञान का श्रवण द्वारा प्रसार करें
Dr Kurien's wisdom India was meant for production of milk by the masses and not just mass production of milk