Jennifer McCoy1 MY LIFE! Baby years to now!
Jennifer McCoy2 My baby days! When my mom was three months pregnant with me she had a wreck The Dr.’s wanted her to have an abortion But on July 12, 1986 I was born
Jennifer McCoy3 A family addition In January of 1989 my baby sister Ashley was born I didn’t like her at first and I was convinced that she was a boy! She completed our family of four with her, my mom Teresa, my dad Mark and me.
Jennifer McCoy4 My grandma Growing up we spent a lot of time at grandmas She took me on a lot of vacations with her The Smokey Mountains The Smokey Mountains I have a lot of great memories from times I spent with her
Jennifer McCoy5
6 The grade school years Mrs. Veenstra was my first teacher In her class I met my best friend Brittany I loved school (as a young child)! But I was very shy
Jennifer McCoy7 Jr. High Days We had our first school dances I joined the local 4-H Jr. Leaders volunteer group I met a bunch of new people My life began to open up
Jennifer McCoy8 High School Robinson High School First job Cruizin’ the strip Clubs Parties Hanging out w/ friends Football games
Jennifer McCoy9 More High School Dances Prom Sports Graduation
Jennifer McCoy10 Brittany and I graduation
Jennifer McCoy11 My family at graduation
Jennifer McCoy12 Friends
Jennifer McCoy13 More Friends
Jennifer McCoy14 My sis and I
Jennifer McCoy15 Derek and I In 2005 I got engaged We spend all our free time together We have a puppy named Harley
Jennifer McCoy16 Harley
Jennifer McCoy17 College Eastern Illinois University I am a sophomore elementary education major I have met a lot of new and interesting people here I am in a sorority ESA I spend a lot of time on MySpaceMySpace
Jennifer McCoy18 My Goals I plan on graduation EIU in the spring of 2008 Getting married that summer Working as an elementary ed. Teacher in my hometown of Robinson Then someday starting a family