December, 2002 American Memory Collection Using Primary Sources Susan Gray The
December, 2002 A Project of the Library of Congress
December, 2002 American Memory is a Gateway “To rich primary source materials relating to the history and culture of the United States.”
December, 2002 The American Memory Site Offers more than: 7 million digital items From more than 100 historical collections.”
December, 2002 Primary Sources Might include… Pictures Original Historical Documents Oral History Sound Files
December, 2002 Photo Collections Ansel Adams’ Manzanar Photographs Collection American Memory Collection Finder Photos and Prints Follow these steps to locate photos:
December, 2002 Printed Materials Might include: Books and Printed Texts Manuscripts Sheet Music Historical Documents Brown's Iron Bitters Ad
December, 2002 Sound and Movie Files Oral Histories Music Clips Motion Pictures Buster Keaton in Sherlock Jr., 1924
December, 2002 Questions for Analyzing Primary Sources Who created the source and why? Did the reporter have firsthand knowledge? Was it recorded during or after the event?
December, 2002 More questions… Was the reporter neutral or biased? Was the intent to inform or persuade? Was the material intended to be public or private?
December, 2002 Primary Sources Can bring history to life Learn from the real documents and memorabilia our American history was built on!
December, 2002 Bibliography Pictures and information from: Library of Congress’ American Memory Collection at Including the following collections: 1- Inventing Entertainment: the Early Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings of the Edison Companies Cont.
December, 2002 Bibliography cont. 2-"Suffering under a Great Injustice": Ansel Adams's Photographs of Japanese-American Internment at Manzanar 3- Emergence of Advertising in America