ANSEL ADAMS Introduction to Black & White Photography (Tonal Range, Dodge, & Burn)
Exposure Exposure is the amount of light per unit area reaching a photographic film or electronic image sensor. Overexposed- the image is too bright Underexposed- the image is too dark
Film Editing Ansel Adams used a dark room Photoshop is our digital darkroom as it mimics actual darkroom techniques. Ansel Adams working in Dark Room Ansel Adams working in Dark Room Darkroom Dodge & Burning in Action Darkroom Dodge & Burning in Action
Working with B&W Photographs Tonal Range- Range of highlights, midtones, and shadows. The more varieties of tones the better the tonal range. Strong tonal range creates dimension, texture, and interest. Burn Tool- A tool in Photoshop that darkens portions of a digital image using a brush tool. Dodge Tool- A tool in Photoshop that lightens portions of a digital image using a brush tool.
To Be Great Study Ansel Adams “Ansel Adams, whose majestic black- and-white landscapes of the American West and whose devotion to clarity and precision made him probably the best- known photographer in the United States… His photographs have been published in more than 35 books and portfolios, and they have been seen in hundreds of exhibitions, including a one-man show, ''Ansel Adams and the West,'' at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in In addition to being acclaimed for his dramatic landscapes of the American West, he was held in esteem for his contributions to photographic technology and to the recognition of photography as an art form.” By JOHN RUSSELL Published: April 24, 1984
Moon and Half Dome
Oak Tree, Snowstorm
Thunderstorm, Yosemite Valley
Yosemite Valley Winter
Rose and Driftwood
Practice Editing Using ONLY the dodge and burn tool edit each image to improve it to look more like what Ansel Adams accomplished in a dark room.
Jeffrey Pine, Sentinel Dome
Leaf, Glacier Bay National Monument
Aspens, Northern New Mexico (H)