Photography 5 Famous images of history
Ansel Adams is probably the most easily recognized name of any photographer. His landscapes are stunning, and he achieves an unparalleled level of contrast using creative darkroom work. Adams primarily used large-format cameras despite their size, weight, setup time, and film cost, because their high resolution helped ensure sharpness in his images. The highest price paid for a single print reached $609,600 at Sotheby's New York auction in 2006.
A.Adams – “Mount Williamson”
A.Adams – “The Jeffrey Pine”
A.Adams – “Tetons & the Snake River”
Robert Capa has taken many famous war-time photographs. He has covered five wars. He was often in the trenches with soldiers when he took photographs, while most other war photographers took photographs from a safe distance.
R.Capa ~ “Death of a loyalist militiaman”
R.Capa ~ “The invasion of D-Day”
R.Capa ~ “in the trenches”
Dorothea Lange took photographs during the Great Depression. She took one photo of a migrant mother that is also titled by that name, and is said to be one of the best- known photographs in history. In the 1940′s, she also photographed the Japanese internment camps, and these photographs show sad moments in American history.
Dorothea Lange ~ “Migrant Mother”
Dorothea Lange ~ ”Tractored out Childress County Texas”
Jerry Uelsmann created unique images with composite photographs. Being very talented in the darkroom, he used this skill in his composites. He never used digital cameras, since he felt that his creative process was more suited to the darkroom.
Jerry Uelsmann ~ “tree house”
Uelsmann ~ “Symbolic Mutation”
Uelsmann ~ “home is a memory”
Uelsmann ~ “untitled 1980”
Uelsmann ~ “untitled hands”
“Death comes to the old lady” D.Michals
Sam Share “ Explosion of the Hindenburg”
“Afghan Girl” ~ Steve McCurry AKA: “girl with the green eyes”
E.Weston ~ “Artichoke Halved”
Alfred Eisenstaedt ~ “V-J Day in Times Square”
C.C Ebbets ~ “New York Construction Workers Lunching on a Crossbeam”