Eliminate the Confusion Eliminate the Confusion!
Squeezing Bowling Ball down Garden Hose Optimize & Reduce Workload!
Different Approach Different Approach…
Interactive Response Time 69% - Interactive response time is usually OK, but random slowdowns occur. Can’t find cause – solution appears to be a $100,000 interactive feature card.
Daily GANTT Chart - Interactive
CPU (seconds) by Subsystem
Number of I/Os by Subsystem
Skipped Records by Job/User
Skipped Records by File/Fields
Long Running Batch Jobs 57% - CPU used less than 50%, but batch jobs take a long time & don’t use CPU efficiently. Have been told that a bigger system with more CPU is needed.
Daily GANTT Chart – Long Batch
Temporary Disk Space Jumps 48% - Disk space jumps from 70 to 90%, could be from temp space used by jobs but have not been able to prove which job is doing it.
Disk Navigator – Size of QTEMP by Job
Long Nightly Processing 44% - Night processing runs long, one CL program calls 100s of other programs and it takes 6 hrs to run.
Job Overview – One Process
Job Overview – Several Processes
Application Analyzer – By Program Function
Appli cation Analy zer – By OS/40 0 Functi on
Application Analyzer – Open/Close
Java & JDBC Killing System 43% - New web app uses Java & JDBC, when web lookup pages are hit, user waits 2 minutes. System was fine until new app went live.
QUSRWRK Skipped Records
Waiting for Pick Slips 43% - Overall CPU is only 30% used, yet users wait 6 minutes for pick slips to print. When batched, it takes 45 minutes to start printing, which delays product shipping.
CPU 30% Used, Jobs in Queue
# of Jobs by Job and User
Jobs Waiting in Job Queues
Waiting 250 Minutes, Runs 1 Second
Job Logs Wasting Resources 40% - 500,000 pages of job logs generated every day, logs rarely used, wasting disk space, CPU & I/O.
# of Pages by Queue, Job & User
Job Description & End CodeJob Description & End Code
Mes sage Log ging
Job Runs 30,000 Times 38% - Our batch job runs 30,000 times per day, consumes 1 CPU second each time it runs. Ends up being 30% of CPU consumed, constantly spikes system all day.
CPU by Job Name
# Jobs by Job Name
HA Can’t Keep Up 30% - Journal receivers are 10 GB per day, HA can’t keep up.
Journal Analyze r
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