Computer Regulations for Ms. Decker’s classroom
DEFINITION OF TECHNOLOGY Computers, televisions, Cd players, radios, Smart board, VCR, DVD player, and projectors
PURPOSES For Technology To increase the rate of completing work To keep students current with the technology of today’s world To use time more wisely To understand the different uses for technology
GOALS (to be attained by the end of the year) Able to use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Publisher Able to create their own WebQuest on Microsoft Front Page Able to locate desired information on the internet Be familiar with the terms relating to technology
BEFORE USING TECHNOLOGY No food, drinks, candy (including gum) No hairbrushes and make-up Make sure your hands have been washed with a cleaning whipe
DURING USE OF TECHNOLOGY Do not use others passwords Be patient with the speed of the computer Be gentle with computer items Only for the use of class work Internet may be used, but under the supervision of the teacher (you must ask before connecting to the internet) No sending or reading of s while in class. (Will allow reading of s after class time.
AFTER USING TECHNOLOGY Make sure you have logged off Do not leave any Cds or disk remaining in the disk drive Make sure all your belongings leave with you (book bag, books, papers, etc…) Push your seat back under
Miscellaneous Rules for Technology I must receive a phone call from your parent stating that you may use internet while you are in my classroom. Weekly there will be cleaning crews for the computers. (I will provide cleaning supplies and directions on how to properly clean off the computers) Students who do not demonstrate respect for the computers will have all their computer privileges revoked for amount of time decided by the teacher.
Ethical Rules 1. You may not turn off someone else’s computer for fun 2. You may not use other’s work without citing it correctly 3. You may not access another student’s information without their permission.