Welcome Spring Student Teachers! Pick up your placement letters Take one Criminal Background Form-If you are elementary or secondary, take ES version. Any LD/SPED should take the SPED version. Collect Emergency Cards-one for each placement
Placement Letter Details Check your address at the upper left corner of your letter. This is the address we currently have in the Field Experience Office. If your address has changed, fill out a change of address slip. Most of you will have two placements: quarter 3 and quarter 4. Your cooperating teacher, email (if possible), and school phone number will be listed. Your general supervisor will not be assigned until semester break. If you are EAA/ECA major, you may have a content supervisor already assigned.
Supervisor and Seminar Meetings At the bottom of your placement letter, you will see the dates of the supervisor meetings. All students must attend the supervisor meetings and Wednesday evening seminars. Milwaukee and Texas student teachers do not need to report as you will attend seminar in your placement locations. You must be registered for ES 497 or SPED 476 as well as student teaching courses before you report to your school. Attendance at seminar is mandatory. You will receive specific information about location and schedule of the seminar classes from Education Studies/SPED through your current UWEC email account.
Contact Your Teacher Beginning today, contact your cooperating teachers by telephone and email. This must be done before Dec. 18th! Reconnect with your 4th quarter cooperating teacher in early March. Make note of your school district calendar and what days you are required to be at school. You must follow your school district calendar! Please note, trimesters will be treated as though they are on semesters. Schools have different schedules and that is just how it goes At bottom of letter is the switch date for all placements unless you are in a semester placement. You are not allowed to take a vacation unless it is during the assigned school’s break where you are teaching.
Switch Date for All Students All students will finish third quarter placements on Friday, April 1st, 2016. You will report to your school in the morning that day but will need to be at UWEC for the supervisor meeting from 1:00-4:00 that afternoon. All students will begin fourth quarter placements on April 4th, 2016 and will continue until the end of your school district’s calendar year-again your end date will vary based on your placement.
What to do Before January Call and email your cooperating teacher before December 18th and thank him/her for hosting you. * Find out…. What is the first day of their 2nd semester (if they say they are on a trimester schedule, you will start January 25th) Is there an in-service I should attend? What are the contract hours for teachers? Are there before/after school obligations that I should attend (PTO meetings, staff meetings, events, etc…)? What is the dress code at your school? Where should I park? Will I receive a district badge for identification? Are there any other procedures that I should be aware of?
Your Role Observe, listen and learn from your cooperating teacher, students, school staff and families. Ask Questions! It shows you care and are engaged! Set goals collaboratively with your teacher. Keep communication open at all times concerning your comfort level of responsibilities and expectations. Reflect on your performance! Be professional at ALL times- attire, behavior and communication. Enhance the learning environment!
Stages of Student Teaching Concerns Where do I stand? How adequate am I? Why do they do that? How do you think I am doing? How are the students doing? Who am I as a teacher? Elation and Depression Graph (Visual) https://vimeo.com/3737090
Student Teaching Handbook https://www. uwec Pages 21-24 Policies for Student Teaching Pages 29-30 Phases of Professional Semester Pages 31-32 Evaluation Process Pages 35 Sample Timeline for ST Pages 36 Responsibilities for ST Pages 49-53 Mandatory Reporting Pages 54 Mental Health Issues Pages 70-101 Various Evaluation Forms Evaluation Forms Link: https://www.uwec.edu/COEHS/programs/teachered/fieldexperience/forms.htm
Questions…. Are there any questions for the good of the group? If you would like to speak to me after the meeting, I am happy to assist you My information Leslie Klay Field Experience Coordinator klayla@uwec.edu 715-836-5544