Cane Bay Elementary 1247 Cane Bay Boulevard Summerville, SC 29486 Melissa LaBerge, Principal
ABOUT US Vision Mission Core Values To challenge and empower our students to be successful in a highly competitive world. Building upon our rich, Lowcountry traditions, we will ignite in every student a passion for life-long learning. Through dynamic instruction, creative partnerships and exceptional support, we will foster opportunities for each student to build a legacy of success. Student and Learning Emphasis Quality Faculty and Staff Teamwork and Partnerships Continuous Improvement Management by Fact and Focus on Results Social Responsibility Vision Mission Core Values
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS LEADERSHIP SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS SCHOOL BOARD REPRESENTATIVE Melissa LaBerge Principal Email: 843-899-5100 Hayes, Jim District 9 Email: 843-261-4105 Term Ends: 11/2016 Marissa Echenique Assistant Principal Email: 843-899-5100
Bell Schedule School Begins 7:25am Dismissal 2:00pm Early Dismissal 10:55am Late Arrival Two hour delay 9:25 am Three hour delay 10:25 am
ESEA/Fedeal Accountability Rating System State of South Carolina Annual Report Card ESEA/Fedeal Accountability Rating System
State Annual Report Card Rating
PERFORMANCE RATING DEFINITIONS PERFORMANCE RATING DEFINITIONS GRADING SCALE/PERFORMANCE RATINGS PRIMARY (Grades K-2) PERFORMANCE RATING DEFINITIONS 4 Consistently and independently demonstrates a thorough understanding of the standard(s). 3 Frequently demonstrates an understanding of the standard(s). 2 Limited understanding of the standard(s). Area of concern 1 Does not demonstrate understanding of the standard(s).Area of concern ELEMENTARY (Grades 3-4) PERFORMANCE RATING DEFINITIONS A 93-100 B 85-92 C 77-84 D 70-76 F 0-69
BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CHILD CARE $25.00 non-refundable registration fee Before School Care: 6:30 am to 6:55 am $10.00 per week After School Care: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm $55.00 per week Director: Ms. Jean Ravan Supervisor: Ms. Kelly Miller 843-899-5126
PBIS Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is a system for maintaining a safe and positive learning environment by providing consistent expectations for student behavior.
RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS Boeing Wellness Grant Recipient South Carolina State Department of Education Civic Organization Volunteer Award 2010 State Palmetto Awards State Palmetto Gold Award 2012-2013 State Palmetto Silver Award 2011-2012 State Palmetto Silver Award 2010-2011 YMCA Motivational Challenge Award 2015
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE (Areas of Strength/ Opportunities for improvement)