Ajax for Dynamic Web Development Gregory McChesney
What Is Ajax Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Method of communicating between web server and client Method of communicating between web server and client Requires Requires JavaScript JavaScript XML XML HTML HTML CSS CSS
Applications Create “desktop” like applications Create “desktop” like applications No refresh required No refresh required Used by Used by Google Maps Google Maps ESPN ESPN Microsoft Outlook Web Access Microsoft Outlook Web Access Google Suggest Google Suggest
Ajax Benefits Robust Web Applications Robust Web Applications Reduced Server Load Reduced Server Load Reduced Bandwidth Usage Reduced Bandwidth Usage Ajax has some built in security Ajax has some built in security Can be used without user interaction Can be used without user interaction
Ajax Problems/Issues Ajax depends on the browser to make requests Ajax depends on the browser to make requests Change in security model Change in security model Can be used without user interaction Can be used without user interaction
Code Sample’s HTML Script HTML Script HTML Script HTML Script JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript Server Side Server Side Server Side Server Side No Ajax No Ajax No Ajax No Ajax
Demo’s Name Suggestion Name Suggestion Name Suggestion Name Suggestion Name Suggestion (No Ajax) Name Suggestion (No Ajax) Name Suggestion (No Ajax) Name Suggestion (No Ajax) Google Suggest Google Suggest Google Suggest Google Suggest ESPN ESPN ESPN