1.When a species of animals or plants disappears ( for help)for help 2. An international organization whose members work actively to protect the environment (for help)for help 3. A half of the earth, especially one of the halves above and below the equator (for help)for help 4. The cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area (for help)for help 5. To become smaller in number (for help)for help 6. A thing or an action which can be dangerous (for help)for help 7. Becoming larger in number (for help)for help 8. When something can be used again (for help)for help 9. When there is no ice in an area in the sea or in the ocean (for help)for help 10. The protection of nature (animals, plants, forests) ( for help )for help exit
Global temperature change See how the temperature could change across the Earth for the near and distant future. These maps represent models of a change in temperature. The map colours show a change in temperature compared to the average. So red and orange colours indicate the greatest change from the climate those regions are used to be. These are areas where it may be hard to survive. Depending on how quickly we act and how much action we take, the effects of climate change can seriously be reduced. What can I do? You’ve heard it all a million times. - Turn the lights off when you leave a room. - Plastic carrier bags should be reusable. - Cut down your car use. 2020s2070s2050s back
Six out of eight of the world's bear species are in danger with extinction, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature ( IUCN ). Scientists say all bear species have declined in numbers and this is the result of human activities. Bears “facing extinction” back
Climates in the southern hemisphere tend to be slightly milder than those in the northern hemisphere. This is because the southern hemisphere has significantly more ocean and less land. Water heats up and cools down more slowly than land. The southern hemisphere is significantly less polluted than the northern hemisphere because of lower overall population densities (a total of 10 to 12% of the human population), lower levels of indusrialisation. back
Mammals facing extinction threat –The Red List of Endangered Species says populations of more than half of mammalian species are falling –The biggest threat to mammals is loss of habitat, including deforestation. –The second biggest threat is hunting, for food or medicines. –However, where hunting has been controlled and conservation programmes implemented, as with southern and eastern populations of the African elephant, populations and entire species can recover. –At least 25% of the world's mammal species are at risk of extinction back
Greenpeace – an organization for the protection and conservation of the environment. Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs to solve problems. It needs change. It needs action. Saint Petersburg — On the 6 th of October 2009 Greenpeace Water Patrol found and registered 3 illegal discharges to St. Petersburg rivers. The biggest was found in Neva River, close to the bridge “Liteyny”. back
Temperatures in the Arctic are now the highest they've been for 2,000 years, according to scientists. It is one of the clearest signs yet that human activity is warming the planet. The Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the globe. Some models suggest the Arctic Ocean could be ice-free in summer by 2030 whilst others suggest it could be as early as Polar bears are completely dependent on sea ice for their entire lifecycle - from hunting seals to raising their cubs. Scientists are reporting an increasing number of polar bears drowning because they have to swim longer distances between ice floes. back
The Amazon rainforest is given extra protection, because the Brazilian government is worried about how quickly it is being destroyed. Politicians have decided they've got to do more to stop people illegally cutting down trees in the forest. The Amazon rainforest is very important for the environment. But an area bigger than France has been cut down since the 1970s. The Amazon rainforest is known as "the lungs of the world". This is because the trees breathe in gases like carbon dioxide - which are harmful to us - and breathe out oxygen, cleaning the air for us. Rainforest deforestation, Peru Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest... Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest... The Amazon rainforest is "the lungs of the world" back
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