European Commission EL DORADO Looking for EL DORADO or how to promote ICT for learning as key to REGIONAL development M. Begoña Arenas, Scienter España
European Commission This is not new... There is now at least a ten-year history of European regional planners and policy makers attempting to make use of ICT to enhance the socio-economic development of EU REGIONS.
European Commission Potential? Existing literature also shows the HIGH POTENTIAL of INNOVATIVE USE OF ICT FOR LEARNING to accompany MAJOR REGIONAL PROJECTS AND INITIATIVES to support economic, social and “e-“ development, particularly towards achieving a “knowledge society”.
European Commission Our approach: place the key stakeholders in the front RD policy-makers and senior officers: policy-level decision- makers and senior officers involved in the processes of RD policy definition RDAs: RD professionals working at regional and local level planning and implementing policy priorities set by RD policy-makers and senior officers.
European Commission Understand Regional development as a process
European Commission 8 EU countries involved
European Commission Through the creation of a EUROPEAN LEARNING COMMUNITY FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT for senior staff and agents, in order to address the main regional focuses, their main leanings needs and familiarize them with the use of ICT for learning. What to look at? --> the integration of ICT & LLL in the regional development plan: RD Elearning ICTLLL INNOVATION AT POLICY AND PROCESS LEVEL
European Commission HOW? COLLABORATIVE LEARNING refers to an instruction method in which learners at various performance levels work together in small groups toward a common goal. Key to success: 1.- A good learning structure, animation and eModeration (Salmon, 2004); 2.- the link of the collaborative learning activities to the context of the participants and to their working environments. The acquisition of new competencies are proven to be linked to the resolution of given conflicts.
European Commission The structure of the work being carried out is:
European Commission Learning community: project based October 2007: First face-to-face session in Palma to present the methodology to the participants (2 per institution), create links with the tutors proposed and among group participants, review some key concepts and begin project proposal exercises. Individual tutored period. 1 tutor per country to guide the learning exercise actively moderating the debate after the RD projects proposed by the RDAs. September 2008: Second face-to-face session in Palma. Once the RDAs have their projects ready, they meet again sharing with the group some key concepts and working in group with appointed European RD experts. A formative evaluation session will also be held.
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