Welcome to Heatherwood Middle School Home of the Hawks Please sign in and pick up the handout.
Dianne Lundberg Professional Background University of Puget Sound BA in Communication Seattle University Master in Teaching, K-8 Endorsement in Sociology, 9-12; Endorsement in English, 6-8 National Board Certified, 3-8 th Grade in 2004 National Board Certified Renewed in 2013 Public School Experience 14 years teaching in the Highly Capable Program in Everett Public Schools, 3-5 th grade 9 years as a K-5 librarian 2nd year at Heatherwood Middle School
Classroom Objectives To maintain a safe and fair learning environment for all students To make learning relevant, rigorous, and engaging To prepare students for their future education
Classroom Expectations Students, teachers, and visitors are expected to follow Heatherwood’s Code of Conduct in order to maintain a safe and fair environment. Be respectful Act responsibly Be part of the solution Your support makes a difference!
Typical Consequences for Misbehavior 1 st incident: Verbal warning 2 nd incident: Time-out/teacher intervention 3 rd incident: Parent contact; redirection form 4 th incident: Lunchroom service or after school detention 5 th incident: Office referral
Social Studies Washington State History – Passing at 7 th grade meets a high school graduation requirement; however, no high school credit – Projects – GoogleDocs can be accessed from home – Map and chapter tests Global Issues Current Events Integrated technology
World Geography and Cultures Map and chapter tests Projects – GoogleDocs can be accessed from home Workbook – Can be completed in class Man and the Environment Canada Latin America Europe Africa Asia – Middle East
Standards-Based Grading Formative = 30% of grade Summative = 70% of grade Student Progress Check online grading (LMS system) Reports sent home mid-semester (Nov. 2015) 1 st Semester – Sept. 9, 2015 to Jan. 29, nd Semester – Feb. 1, 2016 to June 21, 2016
Typical Late Work Policy Formative Assignments Students should turn in work on the day it is due Formative work turned in late will earn a reduced score After 5 days, it is too late to earn credit (NF) Summative Assignments Homework turned in late will still be eligible for full credit; however… Late or incomplete assignment forms will be used that require a parent signature
Homework Support 7:55 AM – Students are allowed in the library to complete homework and check- out books After school homework support will start sometime in October Prearrange a time to meet with Mrs. Lundberg Homework Help through Sno-Isle
Conferences Fall conferences are October 26 – Oct. 30 Evening conferences on Wednesday, October 28 All parents/guardians are invited to conference with their child’s Period 1 teacher
Nuts and Bolt s Feel free to call me at (425) before 8:00 A.M. or after 3:00 P.M., or me at Please check my website calendar for assignments, due dates, and parent info. Thank you for coming to curriculum night!