Mrs. Kurth’s Classroom News November 16 th – 20 th, 2015
Dates to save: November 25 th – 27 th : No School »Thanksgiving break December 1 st : Field trip to Children’s Theater December 1 st : Reading Calendars are due December 4 th : End of 1st Trimester December 22 nd : Class Christmas Party 1:20-2:20 December 23rd-January 3rd: Winter Break
Spelling Tests There are four separate grades. –1. Spelling word list (at the top) –2. Correctly spelled words in the sentence –3. Capital letter at the beginning of the sentence, any words that require capitalization, and lower case letters where appropriate –4. An ending mark for the sentence *Review any misspelled words in addition to new words as they will continue to reappear on future tests.
Movember This Friday, November 20 th, the kids will be able to buy a stick on mustache for $1.00. The money raised will go towards men’s health awareness. Last year the kids really enjoyed wearing these silly mustaches and getting their picture taken. This is an optional activity.
Book Bags Just a reminder to have your child read only the story that we have read and discussed in class. This past week it was Jack and The Wolf. We often teach and practice reading strategies before we read the story so it helps not to read it ahead of time. You can find which story we are working on by looking at the academic portion of this newsletter.
Reading and Math Tests In the corrected papers folder this week and next, you will find your child’s reading and math Unit Tests. Please review these tests with your child. Areas of concern will be circled on the front cover of the test. As always, please ask questions if needed!
Tiger Cub News You might have read about this great opportunity in the Tiger Cub News: Presentation on Children’s Anxiety For: Parents and educators who want to learn more about children’s anxiety and how parent anxiety can affect the mental health of children. When: Monday, November 16, :30 p.m. Where: Delano Elementary School - Multi-purpose room Presenter: Monique Miller, MS, LP Cost: FREE
Outdoor Recess As the weather starts to cool down, it is important to send appropriate outdoor attire for your child. We will be going outside everyday unless it rains or there is a significant wind-chill. Please make sure you label everything that comes to school. Many clothing items will be similar (if not the same). Thank you in advance for helping us sort out our cool weather clothing.
Upcoming Academics: This will change each week!
Reading: Reading and Spelling: Lesson 7 Main Story: How Animals Communicate & Insect Messages (Informational Text) Word Wall Words: animal, how, make, of, some, why Comprehension Strategy: Details and inferences Phonics: Review short i; clusters with r; phonogram -ip Grammar: Sentence parts and complete sentences Writing: Writing complete sentences with a capital letter at the beginning and punctuation at the end; word choice, and poetry
Spelling Review Spelling Words: in, will, did, sit, six, big, trip, grin, *of, *why Your child will also be asked to write a sentence with some of these words in them in addition to words that follow the short i, clusters with r (like trip and grin) and phonogram -ip pattern. Be sure to practice words with these patterns so he/she will be prepared for this part of the test.
Math Concepts for this week in class: Patterns, Even and Odd Numbers, Adding and Subtracting, Using the Number-Line, Time, Frames and Arrows Routine Anticipated Homework: Monday: 3.4 More Odd and Even Numbers Tuesday: 3.6 More Number-Line Hops Wednesday: No Homework Thursday: 3.7 Telling Time to the half hour Friday: 3.8 Frames and Arrows Diagram
Word of the Week Extra: Each week, your child can receive a sticker for their sticker book by writing down our special word/phrase of the week along with a parent signature. They love stickers! Phrase of the week: Movember
More Math…. Here is the link if you need to reprint homework pages: home/unit_3/ home/unit_3/ Things you can practice at home if you are looking for additional ideas: -Telling time to the nearest hour -Counting combinations of pennies and nickels
Family Journals Family Journals are due each Monday. Please use the next empty page to complete your response to your child. I also encourage you to use the letter format to allow your child to see and experience that format.
General Homework Expectations Mondays: Spelling words and word wall words will come home (practice these words to be ready for the spelling test on Friday Wednesdays: Wednesday work: students complete the comprehension page as well as practice reading the words on the opposite side. When you feel your child is confident in knowing the words and has completed the comprehension page, please return it to the classroom. It is due by the following Tuesday at the latest. Monday through Friday: Math homework will be sent home each day, except Wednesdays. I expect each page to come back the following day.
Volunteering Sign Up With Students volunteer Sign Up Without Students volunteer2
Volunteering The media center is also looking for volunteers to help shelve books. In the past, some parents have volunteered in the library right before coming to our room to volunteer. Please contact them beforehand to see if they have an available opening. Thank you for ALL your help! We couldn’t do it without you!!!
Digital Days Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5 Phy. Ed. (Wear your Tennis Shoes) Music MediaComputer Music ComputerP.E. MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6
Contact Information Angie Kurth 1 st GradeTeacher – rm ext.4102, Classroom Website/Blog: school/gradesstaff/first-grade/mrs-kurth