Understanding Wales: Opportunities for Secondary Data Analysis Supporting the ESRC Secondary Data Analysis Initiative 16 th January 2012, Glamorgan Building, Cardiff University
ESRC Secondary Data Analysis Initiative Encouraging high impact policy and practitioner relevant research through the deeper exploitation of the major data resources created by the ESRC and other agencies – Phase 1: 20 small scale projects, max £200k (fec), – Call announcement – January 2012, Closing date – April 2012, Projects start – October 2012, max duration of 18 months – Pathways to impact: Applicants actively encouraged to seek early engagement with research users in the public and private sectors and civil society organisations. One of 20 workshops for potential applicants to learn about the data and resources available through the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS) to support any application
Programme Welsh Government Investments in Data and Priorities: Steve Marshall, Welsh Government Annual Population Survey/Labour Force Survey: Melanie Jones, Swansea University Living in Wales/Nation Survey of Wales Scott Orford, Cardiff University Millennium Cohort Study: Chris Taylor, Cardiff University Refreshments Skills and Employment Survey: Alan Felstead, Cardiff University Census Stephen Drinkwater, Swansea University Secure Anonymised Information Linkage Databank (SAIL): Martin Heaven, Swansea University British Household Panel Survey: Rhys Davies, Cardiff University