Information Visualization as an aid to Agile Software Development By: Andrew J. Armstrong
Agile Software Development Overview [4] Manifesto Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan
Agile Software Development Overview cont.
Paper Overview “Information Visualization for Agile Software Development Teams” By: Julia Paredes, Craig Anslow & Frank Maurer Research Questions 1)What information visualization techniques are used in Agile Software Development? 2)What information visualization techniques raise awareness of artifacts in Agile software development teams?
Information Visualization Information Visualization – “Use of visual representations of abstract data to amplify cognition.” [1] Effective visualizations should: Quickly identify relevant information Understand the relationships between elements of the visualization “Make the structure, behavior and evolution of software, such as code organization, software state and bugs, more understandable.” [1]
Information Visualization - Design Low Fidelity Sketches Input Diagrams Both typically used to make design decision & communicate information.
Information Visualization – Design cont. Formal Diagrams Example UML Explain & Share Information Empirical Study 35 / 50 Developers did not use UML Others only used in very early stages
Design - Example Software Microsoft SketchFlow ActiveStory Low Fidelity Sketches Easy to produce/edit Support gesture/touch metablogapi/7041.donate_5F00_thumb_5F00_1A04D12A.png
Design – Example Software – ActiveStory
Information Visualization - Development Problems in source code Areas suitable for refactoring “restructuring the existing code without changing the external behavior” Continuous Integration Automated Testing SQA Mashup
Development Software – SQA Mashup Tool Requirements 1) Able to located quality hot-spots in source code 2) Permit dynamic arrangement of information shown in the UI 3) Provide awareness of the activities of peers 4) Discover immediately where changes occurred, when they were made & how made them 5) Provide an interactive visualization of roles (developer vs. manager) 6) Interoperate with other software engineering tools 7) Permit independent development of UI
Development Software - CodeCity
Information Visualization - Communication Verbal vs. Non-verbal “Big Picture” Standard Aspects Dashboards
Information Visualization – Progress Tracking Burn charts Importance of work completed Completion definition? Task assigning Estimation MSE’s ction/01/imageBinary/jiraagile-02_whyja_1_flexibleplanning.png
Discussion & Conclusions Design Sketches ActiveStory Development Understanding Code Physical Objects Communication Information Radiators Dashboards Progress Tracking Taskboards
Discussion & Conclusions cont. Implications Barriers to adoption of technologies
References [1] Paredes, J.; Anslow, C.; Maurer, F., "Information Visualization for Agile Software Development," in Software Visualization (VISSOFT), 2014 Second IEEE Working Conference on, vol., no., pp , Sept. 2014, URL: [2] Brandtner, M.; Giger, E.; Gall, H., "Supporting continuous integration by mashing-up software quality information," in Software Maintenance, Reengineering and Reverse Engineering (CSMR-WCRE), 2014 Software Evolution Week - IEEE Conference on, vol., no., pp , 3-6 Feb. 2014, URL: [3] Hosseini-Khayat, A.; Seye, T.; Burns, C.; Maurer, F., “Low-Fidelity Prototyping of Gesture-based Applications,” in 3rd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems, pp , URL: [4] Martin, Robert C. & Martin, Micah, “Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#,” Chapter 1: Agile Practices [5]
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