The Game Designer: In Context Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
Last time Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
THE PROBLEM Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
How the world sees it Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
How game designers should see it "With great power, comes great responsibility“ -Uncle Ben (Stan Lee) Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
Challenge 2/1 1- (Define Game) what is a game? 2- what is the holy grail of game design? 3- why do we play games? What do games add to our lives? Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
A voluntary activity or occupation within certain fixed limits of time and place, according to rules freely accepted but absolutely binding, having its aim in itself and accompanied by a feeling of tension, joy and the consciousness that it is different from ordinary life. Homo Ludens (Huizinga 1938) Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
A game is a synthetic procedural system that stimulates regulated play. Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
“In a very basic sense, the magic circle of a game is where the game takes place. To play a game means entering into a magic circle, or perhaps creating one as a game begins.” - Salen & Zimmerman, 2003 Homo Ludens (Huizinga 1938) Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
Mimesis- Role Player Agon- Competition Ilinx- Sensation Alea- Chance Les jeux et les hommes (Caillois, 1958) Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
PAIDIA Les jeux et les hommes (Caillois, 1958) LUDUS Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
PLAYING Les jeux et les hommes (Caillois, 1958) GAMING Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
Rule Based Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
Rule Based Declarative Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
Rule Based Declarative Social Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
Challenge 2/2 1- What would your sentiment be if one of your players died because they played your game too long? 2- What would your sentiment be if one of your players kills another player /in real life/ over your game? 3- What would your sentiment be if research showed that the games you were making were harmful? 4- How would you feel to be threaten by your game’s players? Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
Social development Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
violence Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
Stereotypes Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
Gender issues Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
ADDICTION Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
HEALTH Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
propaganda Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
Challenge 2/3 1- Are these really issues? 2- Do you believe videogames are this powerful? 3 (Take Home) Find 5 games that you think are controversial. Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
purpose Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
Read & reflect 2/4 1- read Game designer reader man, Play, and games The rules of play Half-real Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |
GAME OVER Principles of Game Design | Micah Hrehovcsik |