Technology The micro-computer The micro-computer The microchip The microchip Electronic doors Electronic doors Electronic check outs Electronic check outs Electric cars Electric cars Sat Navigation Sat Navigation
Toys Tin toys came out in1970 Tin toys came out in1970 Tin toys came out after dinky toys Tin toys came out after dinky toys Pac-man Pac-man Supermario Supermario Video games Video games
FASHION The mini skirt The mini skirt Maxi dresses Maxi dresses Teddy Boys Teddy Boys Punk Rockers Punk Rockers Suits and jacket Suits and jacket
Music Elvis was the king of rock Elvis was the king of rock The Who and the beetles were good too. The Who and the beetles were good too.
Punk Rockers Punk rockers were the followers of rock Punk rockers were the followers of rock They would look wacky. They would look wacky. Sing words that would offend. Sing words that would offend. Dress in a different way Dress in a different way
Concorde concord was the 1 st super sonic plane to be launched concord was the 1 st super sonic plane to be launched Concord was made in 1980 Concord was made in 1980
Transport Mini cooper old 1960’s Mini cooper old 1960’s Trams Trams 1 st motor way 1960’s 1 st motor way 1960’s m1 m1 New 2006 New 2006
The end