Validation for PythiaVPhoton10 Jiahang Zhong (Academia Sinica)
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong2 Motivation W/Zinclusive (5104/5105/5144/5145) were chosen as background samples, in which Pt>25GeV Photons are rare. (110/500,000) Have more phase space for cuts. In Pythia, VPhoton processes are singular in the limit Pt->0, hence Pt should not be too small.
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong3 Z Cross Section Table (Electron) unit [pb] Baur’s Generator PYTHIA Zinclusive PYTHIA ZGamma25 PYTHIA ZGamma10 Electron Channel s(FSR) [PT(g) > 5GeV & Mee > 40 GeV] s(FSR) [PT(g) > 10GeV & Mee > 40 GeV] s(FSR) [PT(g) > 15GeV & Mee > 40 GeV] s(FSR) [PT(g) > 25GeV & Mee > 40 GeV] s(ISR) [PT(g) > 5GeV & Mee > 40 GeV] s(ISR) [PT(g) > 10GeV & Mee > 40 GeV] s(ISR) [PT(g) > 15GeV & Mee > 40 GeV] s(ISR) [PT(g) > 25GeV & Mee > 40 GeV]
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong4 Z Plots (Electron) Normalized from 25~200 GeVNormalized from 10~200 GeV FSR ISR
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong5 W Cross Section Table (Electron) unit [pb] Baur’s Generator (W + g) Baur’s Generator (W - g) PYTHIA Winclusive (W + g) PYTHIA Winclusive (W - g) PYTHIA WGamma25 (W + g) PYTHIA WGamma25 (W - g) PYTHIA WGamma10 (W + g) PYTHIA WGamma10 (W - g) Electron Channel s(FSR) PT(g)>5GeV s(FSR) PT(g)>10GeV s(FSR) PT(g)>15GeV s(FSR) PT(g)>25GeV s(ISR) PT(g)>5GeV s(ISR) PT(g)>10GeV s(ISR) PT(g)>15GeV s(ISR) PT(g)>25GeV
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong6 W Plots (Electron) Normalized from 25~200 GeVNormalized from 10~200 GeV ISR FSR
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong7 Control Tags for a new sample In pythia, adjust PYSUBS-CKIN3 from 25 to 10. CKIN3: Pt lower limit in the rest frame of hard interaction. In GeneratorFilter, adjust PhotonFilter.Ptcut from to PhotonFilter.Ptcut: (GenStat==1&&Pt>25GeV) photon in pythia output In additional, PhotonFilter requests Photon Eta<2.7. All 3 leptonic decay channels are turned on.
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong8 Cross Section Comparison applied selection cuts Two cuts are used to select Pt>25GeV events from VPhoton10 samples. #1 Lab frame Pt Cut (as Generator Filter) Require Type==22 & GenStat==1 & Pt>25GeV With-filter samples only #2 W+Gamma Rest frame Pt cut (as CKIN3) KOriVNt==4 & GenStat==3 Boost 2 particles to their CM frame After boost, require Pt>25GeV For samples with filter, both cuts are used For samples without filter, only cut #2 are applied
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong9 Cross Section Comparison WGamma Both Filtered and Non- Filter samples are tested. Non-100% selection for WPhoton25 samples indicates problem with CKIN3 definition Similar discrepancy observed among the comparison between 10GeV/25GeV/40GeV no-filter samples with cut on 40GeV Zgamma has same discrepancy WPhoton25WPhoton10 With Filter Cut #1 & #2 No Filter Cut #2 With Filter Cut #1 & #2 No Filter Cut #2 σ(total) 7.41pb11.5pb32.8pb52.3pb Cut efficiency 96.5%91.0%27.7%28.3% σ(output) 7.2pb10.5pb9.1pb14.7pb
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong10 Cross Section Comparison CKIN3 comparison Log histogram for CKIN3 value (Photon Pt in rest frame) Tails below cuts imply distortion of original kinematics. WPhoton25 histogram is normalized to WPhoton10’s scale Visible different slopes responsible for cross- section shift
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong11 Meaning of CKIN3 discussion in MC hyper news (1) Inspiring discussion in the MC generators HN, still undergoing… First suggestions to play with MSTP 61 & 91 tags. Correction as underlying events, rather than switch for our ISR hard process MSTP 61: ISR switch. Default=2 as on. Switch to 0 as off. Correction as underlying events, rather than switch for our ISR hard process Gaussian distribution with peak around ~400MeV MSTP 91: Primordial Kt distribution of parton in protons. Default=1 as Gaussian dist. Switch to 0 as no Kt correction. Gaussian distribution with peak around ~400MeV These MSTP parameters are corrections happened after “hard process”. While CKIN3 is cut in the “hard process”
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong12 Meaning of CKIN3 discussion in MC hyper news (cont. 2) Cross section not changed by these corrections. The tail was eliminated mainly by switching off ISR Less significant effect from Kt dist. Even output file size will be reduced by stop ISR. MSTP61=0 & MSTP91=0 MSTP61=d & MSTP91=d MSTP61=0 & MSTP91=d MSTP61=d & MSTP91=0
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong13 Meaning of CKIN3 discussion in MC hyper news (cont. 3) The four momentum of incoming and outgoing particles are not conserved. KEndVNt==4 as incoming particles, 1 & 2 KOriVNt==4 as outgoing particles, 3 & 4 Boost particle 3&4 (Z+gamma) to the 1+2 (incoming quarks) rest frame. Plot entries over ln[Pt(Z+gamma)] A peak around 6, namely ~400MeV Broad distribution up to hundreds GeV.
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong14 Meaning of CKIN3 discussion in MC hyper news (cont. 4) In the rest frame of incoming quarks and gluons, Pt of W+gamma has a distribution, rather than flat zero if four momentum are conserved The peak is at ~400MeV, which is around the peak of Kt distribution correction. Indicates inconsistency of data documentation between incoming and outgoing particles, in different stages (before or after Kt dist. correction) There was similar report earlier in generator HN. This may be the reason of CKIN3 shift. Athena Generator group will investigate into it.
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong15 Further discussion ISR in hard/soft process In our attempt, we turned off the ISR switch. And the cross- section didn’t have noticeable deviation. Though in physics, this ISR as correction is the same Feynman diagram as our ISR process (t-channel of VPhoton), in Pythia they are two different conceptions. Maybe it’s more exact to turn off the ISR switch for our ISR hard process Is there some potential trouble by comparing the hard process ISR in VPhoton and the soft ISR correction in V- inclusive samples?
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong16 Validation in Version 13 No support in version12 for new sample validation anymore. Need version 13, which use latest Pythia version Test run with transformation is successful in a local installation Joboption to convert EVNT into CBNT has failed. Need to find a solution
DTY bi-weekly meeting, J. Zhong17 Conclusion Lower Pt cut can give more phase space for study. Comparison of the cross-section reveals discrepancy with cross- section, and further questions that we omitted before. Pythia_i need to be investigated, especially data documentation needs some check. Need more understanding of how generator works, rather than use everything as a black box.