Inverse Dynamics
APA 6903 Fall What is “Inverse Dynamics”?
APA 6903 Fall What is “Inverse Dynamics”? Motion – kinematics Force – kinetics Applied dynamics
APA 6903 Fall What is “Inverse Dynamics”? KinematicsKinetics “COMPUTATION” Resultant joint loading
APA 6903 Fall Inverse Dynamics Using Newton’s Laws Fundamentals of mechanics Principles concerning motion and movement Relates force with motion Relates moment with angular velocity and angular acceleration
APA 6903 Fall Inverse Dynamics Newton’s Laws of motion 1 st : 2 nd : 3 rd : a given action creates an equal and opposite reaction
APA 6903 Fall Inverse Dynamics If an object is at equilibriated rest = static If an object is in motion = dynamic If object accelerates, inertial forces calculated based on Newton’s 2 nd Law(ΣF = ma)
APA 6903 Fall Dynamics Two approaches to solve for dynamics F Forces F = ma Equations of motion ∫∫ Double integration x Displacements x Displacements d 2 x / dt 2 Double differentiation F = ma Equations of motion F Forces
APA 6903 Fall Dynamics Direct method Forces are known Motion is calculated by integrating once to obtain velocity, twice to obtain displacement F Forces F = ma Equations of motion ∫∫ Double integration x Displacement
APA 6903 Fall Dynamics Inverse method Displacements/motion are known Force is calculated by differentiating once to obtain velocity, twice to obtain acceleration x Displacements d 2 x / dt 2 Double differentiation F = ma Equations of motion F Forces
APA 6903 Fall Objective Determine joint loading by computing forces and moments (kinetics) needed to produce motion (kinematics) with inertial properties (mass and inertial moment) Representative of net forces and moments at joint of interest
APA 6903 Fall Objective Combines Anthropometry: anatomical landmarks, mass, length, centre of mass, inertial moments Kinematics: goniometre, reflective markers, cameras Kinetics: force plates
APA 6903 Fall st Step Establish a model
APA 6903 Fall st Step Establish the model Inertial mass and force often approximated by modelling the leg as a assembly of rigid body segments Inertial properties for each rigid body segment situated at centre of mass
APA 6903 Fall Segmentation Assume Each segment is symmetric about its principal axis Angular velocity and longitudinal acceleration of segment are neglected Frictionless
APA 6903 Fall nd Step Measure ALL external reaction forces Appoximate inertial properties of members Locate position of the common centres in space Free body diagram: forces/moments at joint articulations forces/moments/gravitational force at centres of mass
APA 6903 Fall Free Body Diagram Statics – analysis of physical systems Statically determinant
APA 6903 Fall Free Body Diagram
APA 6903 Fall rd Step Static equilibrium of segments Forces/moments known at foot segment Using Newton-Euler formulas, calculation begins at foot, then to ankle Proceed from distal to proximal KNOWNS UNKNOWNS
APA 6903 Fall FBD of Foot $%#&?! Multiple unknowns Centre of gravity F g Centre of pressure Triceps sural force Anterior tibial muscle force Bone force Ligament force Joint moment
APA 6903 Fall Simplify Multiple unknown force and moment vectors Muscles, ligaments, bone, soft tissues, capsules, etc. Reduction of unknown vectors to: 3 Newton-Euler equilibrium equations, for 2-D (F x, F y, M z ) 6 equations, for 3-D (F x, F y, F z, M x, M y, M z ) Representative of net forces/moment
APA 6903 Fall Simplification Displace forces to joint centre Force equal and opposite Centre gravity F r Centre of pressure F Foot muscle forces F* Force at joint centre -F* Force equal and opposite
APA 6903 Fall Simplification Replace coupled forces with moment Centre of gravity F Foot muscle force F* Force at joint centre -F* Force equal and opposite M Moment F r Centre of pressure
APA 6903 Fall Simplification Representation net moments and forces at ankle F reaction x reaction, y reaction m foot g F ankle x ankle, y ankle M ankle r cm,dist r cm,prox cm = centre of mass prox = proximal dist = distal
APA 6903 Fall rd Step f = foot a = ankle r = reaction prox = proximal dist = distal FaFa MaMa TrTr FrFr mfafmfaf mfgmfg IfαfIfαf Force/moment known (force plate) Unknown forces/moments at ankle
APA 6903 Fall rd Step Therefore, ankle joint expressed by:
APA 6903 Fall rd Step Thus, simply in 2-D : Much more complicated in 3-D!
APA 6903 Fall rd Step Moment is the vector product of position and force NOT a direct multiplication
APA 6903 Fall rd Step Ankle force/moment applied to subsequent segment (shank) Equal and opposite force at distal extremity of segment (Newton’s 3 rd Law) Next, determine unknowns at proximal extremity of segment (knee) UNKNOWNS KNOWNS h h
APA 6903 Fall rd Step Knee joint is expressed by: k = knee s = shank a = ankle cm = centre of mass prox = proximal dist = distal
APA 6903 Fall rd Step Knee forces/moments applied to subsequent segment (thigh) Equal and opposite force at distal extremity of segment (Newton’s 3 rd Law) Next, determine unknowns at proximal extremity of next segment (hip) UNKNOWNS KNOWNS
APA 6903 Fall rd Step Hip joint is expressed by: k= knee h = hip t = thigh cm = centre of mass prox = proximal dist = distal
APA 6903 Fall Exercise Calculate the intersegment forces and moments at the ankle and knee Ground reaction forces F r,x = 6 N F r,y = 1041 N Rigid body diagrams represent the foot, shank, and thigh Analyse en 2-D thigh shank x y F r,x = 6 N F r,y = 1041 N
APA 6903 Fall Exercise FootShank m (kg)13 I (kg m 2 ) a x (m/s 2 ) a y (m/s 2 ) α (rad/s 2 ) CM at x,y (m)0.04, , 0.34 AnkleKnee Location in x, y (m)0.10, , 0.50 F of horizontal reaction (N)6 F of vertical reaction (N)1041 Centre of pressure at x, y (m)0.0, 0.03
APA 6903 Fall Exercise ankle CM shank knee CM foot F r,x F r,y 0.5 m 0.04 m 0.34 m 0.12 m 0.03 m 0.09 m 0.10 m 0.06 m 0.02 m
APA 6903 Fall Exercise thigh shank foot F r,x = 6 N F r,y = 1041 N thigh shank foot F r,x = 6 N F r,y = 1041 N
APA 6903 Fall Exercise shankfoot F r,x = 6 N F r,y = 1041 N MaMa F a,x F a,y IαIα mPgmPg m f a f,y m f a f,x M s,dist M s,prox F s,dist,x F s,dist,y F s,prox,y F s,prox,x m s a s,x m s a s,y msgmsg IαIα
APA 6903 Fall Exercise – ankle (F) F r,x = 6 N F r,y = 1041 N MaMa F a,x F a,y IαIα mfgmfg m/s m/s 2 ankle = (0.10, 0.12) CM foot = (0.04, 0.09) CP = (0.0, 0.03)
APA 6903 Fall Exercise – ankle (M) F r,x = 6 N F r,y = 1041 N MaMa F a,x F a,y IαIα mfgmfg m/s m/s 2 ankle = (0.10, 0.12) CM foot = (0.04, 0.09) CP = (0.0, 0.03)
APA 6903 Fall Exercise – knee (F) N m M s,prox 6.36 N N F s,prox,y F s,prox,x 1.56 m/s m/s 2 msgmsg IαIα ankle = (0.10, 0.12) CM shank = (0.06, 0.34) knee = (0.02, 0.77)
APA 6903 Fall Exercise – knee (M) N m M s,prox 6.36 N N F s,prox,y F s,prox,x 1.56 m/s m/s 2 msgmsg IαIα ankle = (0.10, 0.12) CM shank = (0.06, 0.34) knee = (0.02, 0.77)
APA 6903 Fall Exercise – Results Joint Force in x (N) Force in y (N) Moment (Nm) Ankle Knee
APA 6903 Fall Recap Establish model/CS GRF and locations Process Distal to proximal Proximal forces/moments OPPOSITE to distal forces/moments of subsequent segment Reaction forces Repeat
APA 6903 Fall Principal Calculations 2-D 3-D
APA 6903 Fall D
APA 6903 Fall D Calculations are more complex – joint forces/moments still from inverse dynamics Calculations of joint centres – specific marker configurations Requires direct linear transformation to obtain aspect of 3 rd dimension
APA 6903 Fall D Centre of pressure in X, Y, Z 9 parameters: force components, centre of pressures, moments about each axis Coordinate system in global and local
APA 6903 Fall D – centre of pressure direction M= moment F = reaction force d z = distance between real origin and force plate origin T = torsion * assuming that Z CP = 0 * assuming that T x =T y = 0
APA 6903 Fall Global and Local CS Y = +anterior X = +lateral Z = +proximal LCS = local coordinate system GCS = global coordinate system
APA 6903 Fall Transformation Matrix Generate a transformation matrix – transforms markers from GCS to LCS 4 x 4 matrix combines position and rotation vectors Orientation of LCS is in reference with GCS
APA 6903 Fall Transformation Matrix Direct linear transformation used in projective geometry – solves set of variables, given set of relations Over/under-constrained Similarity relations equated as linear, homogeneous equations
APA 6903 Fall Transformation Matrix
APA 6903 Fall Transformation Matrix
APA 6903 Fall Transformation Matrix
APA 6903 Fall Kinematics Global markers in the GCS are numerized and transformed to LCS p i = position in LCS P i = position in GCS
APA 6903 Fall Kinematics
APA 6903 Fall Kinetics Similar to 2-D, unknown values are joint forces/moments at the proximal end of segment Calculate reaction forces, then proceed with the joint moments Transform parameters to LCS
APA 6903 Fall Kinetics
APA 6903 Fall D Calculations Same procedures : Distal to proximal Newton-Euler equations Joint reaction forces/moments Transformation from GCS to LCS
APA 6903 Fall D Calculations REMEMBER: Results at the proximal end of a segment represent the forces/moments (equal and opposite) of the distal end of the subsequent segment
APA 6903 Fall D LCS – ankle Thus, ankle joint is expressed as: h h fafa mama frfr trtr LCS
APA 6903 Fall h h fafa mama frfr trtr 3-D LCS – ankle SCL
APA 6903 Fall LCS foot to GCS Resultant forces/moments of the segment are interpreted in LCS of the foot Next, transform the force/moment vectors (of the ankle) to the GCS, using the appropriate transformation matrix
APA 6903 Fall LCS to GCS Transformation matrix (transposed)
APA 6903 Fall GCS to LCS shank Determine subsequent segment (shank), using forces/moments obtained from ankle Transform force/moment global vectors of ankle to LCS of the shank fkfk mkmk fafa mama msasmsas msgmsg IsαsIsαs
APA 6903 Fall D LCS – knee Thus, knee joint is expressed as: SCL
APA 6903 Fall D LCS – knee SCL
APA 6903 Fall LCS shank to GCS to LCS thigh Results in reference to LCS of shank Transform vectors of knee to GCS, using transformation matrix Then, transform global vectors of the knee to LCS of the thigh ItαtItαt mtatmtat mtgmtg FgFg MgMg fkfk mkmk mhmh fhfh
APA 6903 Fall D LCS – hip Thus, hip joint is expressed as: ItαtItαt mtatmtat mtgmtg FgFg MgMg fkfk mkmk mhmh fhfh SCL
APA 6903 Fall D LCS – hip ItαtItαt mtatmtat mtgmtg FgFg MgMg SCL
APA 6903 Fall Recap Establish model/CS GRF and GCS locations Process GCS to LCS Distal to proximal Proximal forces/moments LCS to GCS Reaction forces/moments of subsequent distal segment Repeat
APA 6903 Fall Interpretations Representative of intersegmetal joint loading (as opposed to joint contact loading) Net forces/moments applied to centre of rotation that is assumed (2-D) and approximated (3-D) Results can vary substantially with the integration of muscle forces and inclusion of soft tissues
APA 6903 Fall Interpretations Limitations with inverse dynamics Knee in extension – no tension (or negligible tension) in the muscles at the joint With an applied vertical reaction force of 600 N, the bone-on-bone force is equal in magnitude and direction ~600 N
APA 6903 Fall Interpretations Knee in flexion, reaction of 600 N produces a bone-on-bone force of ~3000 N (caused by muscle contractions) Several unknown vectors – statically indeterminant and underconstrained Require EMG analysis
APA 6903 Fall Applications Results represent valuable approximations of net joint forces/moments
APA 6903 Fall Applications Quantifiable results permit the comparison of patient- to-participant’s performance under various conditions Diagnostic tool Evaluation of treatment and intervention
APA 6903 Fall What is “Inverse Dynamics”? KinematicsKinetics “COMPUTATION” Resultant joint loading KinematicsKinetics Inverse Dynamics Resultant joint loading