Tarbiyat Nau Mubaiyat National Program Booklet
Surah Al-Imran
Lajna Constitution #111 It shall be the duty of the Secretary Nau Mubaiyat: 1.Maintain the record of particulars of Nau Mubaiyat Lajna and Nasirat 2.to educate and train them according to their ability 3.to involve them in financial sacrifice
Guidance from Khalifatul Masih V aba 07/26/2010 It is advised to integrate the new members within a targeted period of 3 years. This time limit is for you, so after 3 years one should not give up trying to integrate, as the time it will take depends on the steadfastness of that particular local jama'at. For Nau Mubaiyat who marry into Ahmadiyyat, it is advised for the Sadrs to approach the Khuddam/Ansar Sadrs to advise the husband to actively involve the wife into jamaat. This is to further their wife’s integration at a faster pace.
Guidance from Khalifatul Masih V aba 07/26/2010 Nau Mubaiyat who after a time period of 3 years still have no integration should be allowed one more year. During this time, they should be explained and clearly be advised to be part of the system and to absorb it. If further she does not show any signs of interest then she should be excluded from the jama'at tajneed. Please note, only the Kahilfa of the time can remove anyone from the tajneed.
Guidance from Khalifatul Masih V aba 06/27/2012
Program GOAL To ensure that each new member is successfully integrated and assimilated within Lajna Ima'illah and the Jama'at.
Program Highlights Record Keeping (p.41) the National Tarbiyat Nau Mubaiyat Secretary when a Bai'at form is received Integration, Introduction & Belonging "Welcome Tea" Buddy
Program Highlights Reporting on monthly report: 1.Date of Bai'at 2.mailing address 3.phone number 4. address
Program Overview (p.44-45)
TNA Section of Lajnausa.net
Note on Ijtemas Participation of Nau Mubaiyat in Competitions o be mindful of Nau Mubaiyat's level of knowledge and comfort Do not encourage participation in a competition where the Nau Mubaiyat has not received training or is uncomfortable. Consider presentations with the Nau Mubaiyat in mind or presentations by Nau Mubaiyat Secretaries.
Financial Sacrifice Begin with Tehrik-e-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid
JazakAllah! It shall be the duty of the Secretary Nau Mubaiyat: 1.Maintain the record of particulars of Nau Mubaiyat Lajna and Nasirat 2.to educate and train them according to their ability 3.to involve them in financial sacrifice