Young Mainers Weatherization Corps Recovering America’s Youth Summit Chicago, Illinois November 17-18, 2009
Governor Baldacci’s Vision for Maine… An Act Regarding Maine’s Energy Future –A comprehensive energy package passed into law this year that includes the Governor’s goal of weatherizing all residences and 50 percent of businesses by 2030 –The Governor’s 2009 State of the State address outlined his vision for a youth weatherization corps trained to help meet Maine’s energy goals –“Maine has the highest dependence on imported fossil fuels of any state, one of the coldest winter climates, and a housing stock built in the era of cheap oil. Fortunately, our people are committed to be part of the solution…it will take a partnership from all sectors”. Gov. John E. Baldacci
Maine’s ARRA Summer Youth Employment Program Maine received approximately 4.3 million in ARRA WIA youth funds Funding flowed through Maine Department of Labor to Local Workforce Boards. Goal – 95% work readiness skill attainment Over 700 youth participated during Summer 2009
Young Mainers Weatherization Corps A partnership of the Maine Department of Labor, MaineHousing, the four Local Workforce Boards, CAP agencies, employers and service providers. Initial goal of training 100 young people to be able to meet Maine’s weatherization needs. Local Workforce Boards issued a RFP to solicit proposals from interested organizations.
Demographics of youth participants 60 young people from around the state Ages WIA eligible – many with multiple barriers
Key program components: Work readiness skill attainment Safety certification in OSHA – 10 Weatherization Technician certification Paid work experience
Featured project: Kibby Wind Power Project Located at Kibby Mountain and Kibby Range in geographically remote Franklin County. Partnering with the CareerCenter, Adult Education and local employers – 15 youth participated in a 6-week work experience and training on construction trades centered on green power/wind farm implementation projects. Unique Feature: Participating youth given opportunity to get in on the ground floor of Maine’s up and coming wind energy industry.
Featured project: LearningWorks LearningWorks is a Portland, Maine non-profit dedicated to providing learning opportunities for at-risk youth, the immigrant community, and low- income families. Enrolled 22 youth in the Weatherization Corps. Students learned green job skills in building maintenance while weatherizing low-income housing units. Unique Features: –Participants enrolled in weatherization tech registered pre- apprenticeship –Students completed OSHA-10, OSHA-30, LEAD Safe Renovator (DEP), NCCER & CASA work readiness certifications in addition to Weatherization Tech certification. –192 hours of work during the eight weeks counted towards Green Apprenticeship
Weatherization in the news… young-workers-in-weatherizationhttp:// young-workers-in-weatherization
Early outcomes Outcome data analysis is still in the early stages. Tracking youth outcomes for employment and retention, although important, will be very difficult due to the short duration of youth participation. Information learned during monitoring and follow-up was overwhelmingly positive from provider organizations, worksites, youth and supervisors. Currently work readiness attainment is at approximately 70% and rising. A Recent update from LearningWorks found that: –21 of 22 students completed the summer program. –11 of the 21 are employed in the field including 8 in registered apprenticeships –5 have gone to college –5 unknown/unemployed
Challenges and next steps Summer Employment Programs have been wildly successful. Until ARRA funding we had no summer work experience program. Although not all the funding was spent in 2009,without additional funding a program for Summer 2010 would have to be considerably smaller than this year’s. The Green Jobs economy is growing and there is a lot of work to be done to identify other “green” skills and training that are needed now and for the future – in addition to current training in weatherization tech and energy auditor.
Stephen R. Duval - Division Director, Policy and Evaluation Maine Department of Labor Bureau of Employment Services 45 Commerce Center Drive Augusta, Maine Phone: , (TTY) Libby Stone-Sterling Labor Program Specialist Maine Department of Labor Bureau of Employment Services 45 Commerce Center Drive Augusta, Maine Phone: , (TTY) For more information: The Maine Department of Labor provides Equal Opportunity in employment and programs. Auxiliary aids and services are available to individuals with disabilities upon request.