Operations with Fractions
Parts of a Fractions Numerator Denominator
Common Denominators In order to add or subtract fractions, we must find COMMON DENOMINATORS. To find these, both denominators must be FACTORS of the new common denominator.
Add/Subtract Example #1
Add/Subtract Example #2
Multiplying Fractions Multiply the NUMERATORS. Multiply the DENOMINATORS. SIMPLIFY the answer or change it to a MIXED NUMBER if necessary.
Multiplying Fractions
Dividing Fractions Keep the FIRST FRACTION. Flip the SECOND FRACTION. Change the sign to MULTIPLICATION. SIMPLIFY the answer or change it to a MIXED NUMBER if necessary.
Dividing Fractions #4
Dividing Fractions #5
White Board Practice!!
Practice Problems Expectations: Copy down the problem. Use your notes to help you decide what process to use. Show your work. Circle your answer.
Practice Problems Expectations: Copy down the problem. Use your notes to help you decide what process to use. Show your work. Circle your answer.
Practice Problems Expectations: Copy down the problem. Use your notes to help you decide what process to use. Show your work. Circle your answer.
Practice Problems Expectations: Copy down the problem. Use your notes to help you decide what process to use. Show your work. Circle your answer.
Practice Problems Expectations: Copy down the problem. Use your notes to help you decide what process to use. Show your work. Circle your answer.
Practice Problems Expectations: Copy down the problem. Use your notes to help you decide what process to use. Show your work. Circle your answer.
Practice Problems Expectations: Copy down the problem. Use your notes to help you decide what process to use. Show your work. Circle your answer.
Practice Problems Expectations: Copy down the problem. Use your notes to help you decide what process to use. Show your work. Circle your answer.
Practice Problems Expectations: Copy down the problem. Use your notes to help you decide what process to use. Show your work. Circle your answer.
Practice Problems Expectations: Copy down the problem. Use your notes to help you decide what process to use. Show your work. Circle your answer.
Practice Problems Expectations: Copy down the problem. Use your notes to help you decide what process to use. Show your work. Circle your answer.
Practice Problems Expectations: Copy down the problem. Use your notes to help you decide what process to use. Show your work. Circle your answer.