Using the Inclusive Career Genogram(ICG) to talk about gender and possible selves Elissa H. Buxbaum, M.S.Ed Colorado State University
The Gender Shift As of 2010, women hold 78 percent of veterinary school seats, according to the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges Title IX, which in 1972 abolished gender discrimination in federally funded education Salary? median income of female veterinarians in private practice was $79,000 in For males, it was $109,000 flexible schedules Food Animal Medicine % male Veterinary-Medicine/
“My husband introduces himself as my wife,” says Hendicks, the UPenn dean. “I know I have been fortunate to have a husband so willing to be the soccer mom and chauffeur. It is hard for working women without support from home.” /Women-In-Veterinary-Medicine/
Gender in Job Performance Evaluations in-their-performance-reviews in-their-performance-reviews "Jessica is really talented, but I wish she’d be less abrasive. She comes on too strong." Her male counterpart? "Steve is an easy case, smart and great to work with. He needs to learn to be a little more patient, but who doesn’t?” ABRASIVE ALONE WAS USED 17 TIMES TO DESCRIBE 13 DIFFERENT WOMEN, BUT THE WORD NEVER APPEARED IN MEN’S REVIEWS.
What’s in an adjective? Feminine Bossy Nurturing (Soft) Pushy Careful/Political Masculine Assertive Helpful Gets the Job Done – A Leader Weak/Passive
What messages do we receive? As kids? As Transitioning Adults? Unconscious Bias Role as Advocates “Darkness can’t exist in the light” – Sarah Silverman’s Therapist “If it’s mentionable, it’s manageable” – Mr. Rogers silverman-opens-up-about-depression-comedy-and-troublemaking
Inclusive Career Genogram (ICG) How are our possible selves gendered? Use of Role Models, hobbies, favorite subjects in school Adjectives – Smart, Strong, Courageous, Protective What Questions can we Ask? - How do you see yourself as ___? - Who were the people who told you that you could be good at that? - What would it be like if… - Could you imagine… - Tell me about your female professors - What if we explored gender identity? Where do you find that in your ICG ? - How did you feel saying that you liked math when you were 10? 16? 34?
Getting Beyond Assumptions
Intersecting Identities Gender AND… Race, Ethnicity, Class, Disability, Religion, Sexual Orientation, First Language, Nationality, Familial Status, Veteran Status, Geographic, size/body type, Age
Let’s Be Creative… -Occupation -Role Model, Fictional Character, Hobby -Red Card – Social Identity Marker
Elissa H. Buxbaum Buxbaum, E. H.., & Hill, J. C. (2013). Inclusive career genogram activity: Working with clients facing forced career transitions to broaden the mind and encourage possibilities. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 29 (4),