French Revolution: A New France & Radical Days
Declaration of the Rights of Man ► Modeled after the Declaration of Independence ► All men born free and equal in rights ► Natural rights: liberty, property, security & resistance to oppression ► How do these reflect Enlightenment ideas?
Marie Antoinette ► Daughter of Maria Theresa ► Married to Louis XVI ► Attacked for being frivolous & extravagant ► Women March on Versailles- anger directed at queen and king, demanded bread & food ► “Let them eat cake”- she is supposed to have said in response to cries for bread
Constitution of 1791 ► Reflected Enlightenment goals: Set up a limited monarchy Ended church interference in government Ensured equality before the law for all male citizens ► Meanwhile, King & Queen try to escape from Paris but are caught
Monarchy Abolished ► Radicals took control & established a republic- government not ruled by a monarch but by elected representatives ► Death of king & queen King convicted of being a traitor to France & sentenced to death. Beheaded. Marie Antoinette is beheaded later that year. Guillotine- device used for carrying out executions by decapitation. out executions by decapitation.
Robespierre and the Reign of Terror ► Leader of the Committee of Public Safety- formed to deal with threats to France; battled to save the revolution ► Hated the old regime & believed that France could achieve a republic of virtue only though the use of terror (severe justice) ► Reign of Terror- Lasted from ,000 were killed, most executed by guillotine. Robespierre was arrested & executed, ending the Reign of Terror
Women in the Revolution ► Declaration of the Rights of Woman- demanded equal rights for women; women should have the same rights as men Written by Olympe de Gouges ► Women’s revolutionary clubs were banned & women were imprisoned & sent to guillotine
Rise of Nationalism ► Nationalism- A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one’s country War & revolution gave the French people a strong sense of national identity People no longer felt loyalty to one single person, but to the nation itself
French Revolution Timeline: Continued ► You will construct a timeline of the events of the French Revolution. With each date, give a brief description of the event & a colored picture ► Pgs ► Due at the end of class today. ► Dates: 1770s 1780s May 1789 July 14, 1789 June 1791 April 1792 September 1792 January 1793 October 1793 July 1794 Reign of Terror