Deltoid Action: Abducts shoulder (humerus); posterior deltoid- extension of the shoulder; anterior deltoid flexes shoulder
Biceps Brachii Action: flexes elbow (forearm); supination of forearm (radius/ulna) and shoulder (glenohumereal joint)
Brachioradialis Action: flexes elbow
Upper Appendicular Muscles Infraspinatus Supraspinatus Flexor Capri Ulnaris Carley Bedell and Britnia St. Pierre
Infraspinatus Action: Lateral Rotation of the shoulder (humerus); horizontal adduction of humerus.
Supraspinatus Action: Adduction of shoulder (humerus); stabilizes shoulder joint
Flexor Capri Ulnaris Action: Flexes wrist; acts with Extensor Carpi Ulnaris to adduct wrist
Subscapularis: medial (internal) rotation of humerus; stabilizes shoulder lateral (external) rotation of humerus
Brachialis: flexes elbow
Flexor carpi radialis: flexes and abducts wrist
Teres Minor: Action: provides Lateral, external rotation of humerus.
Triceps Brachii: Action: extends elbow and shoulder
Extensor carpi ulnaris: Action: extends and adducts wrist, also acts with flexor carpi ulnaris to adduct wrist.
Extensor carpi radialis (longus and brevis) action: extends and abducts wrist, and acts with flexor carpi radialis to abduct wrist.