Building Clay Muscles Origins & Insertions
Close eyes, blink, wink
Closes mouth, grinds, jaw sideways
Mastication, chewing – strongest muscles in our body
Flex elbow, flex shoulder, turn a key
Extends elbow, antagonist of biceps
Side lifting humerus Injection site
Pull shoulder blades together, Stabilize scapula, Antagonist to trapezius
Pectoralis major: Flexes, adducts, & rotates humerus
Sternocleidomastoid Originates Sternum Clavicle Inserts Mastoid process of temporal bone Function Rotate head Flex neck Extend neck
Trapezius Scapula toward spine Rotate scapula Scapula up or down Head and neck To back or side Assists breathing
Arm extension, adduction, medial rotation
Quadriceps (see next slides for detail) -extends knee, flexes hip Rectus femoris Vastus medius Vastus intermedius Vastus lateralis
Hamstring – (see next slides for detail) flex knee, extend thigh, posture Semimenbranosus Semitendinosus Biceps femoris
Plantar flexion Flex knee Propulsion stabilization
Gluteus (see next slides for detail) Gluteus minimus Gluteus medias Gluteus maximus
abduct thigh, rotate thigh, stabilization
Extends thigh Mobilization Posture injections
Abdominal muscles (see next slides for detail) – movement, support, protection, breathing Transverse Abdominal Exernal Obliques Internal Obliques and Rectus Abdominal